The Fall of the Treasonous Democratic Party

The current situation in the US highlights the level of treachery that has taken place in the Democratic Party.

The Democratic Party has gone from a somewhat center leaning Party to a far Left progressive Marxist Anti-American Party that actively works toward the destruction of anything that is uniquely American.

Though in truth, the Republican Party has at least 2/ 3rds sold out as well to the same globalist interests the Democrats have sold out to.

The use of special interests lobbies has paved the way for the current social and economic downfall that the US is currently experiencing .

With the Biden Administration essentially throwing open the southern border abandoning US law in favor of sedition. 

Giving aid and comfort to the invading UN stealth army that is currently pouring across the border unfettered by any government intervention whatsoever.

They Essentually cooperated in a uni-party action in Washington, and their reason is clear.  To bankrupt the US causing as much economic damage to the US as possible while laudering money sent to the Ukraine war to get in my opinion kickbacks to the same politicians campaigns for re-election for approving these insane aid packages. 

They are actively allowing these invaders to destroy the social order.  Raping, robbing, plundering private property.  Waging social disruption through violence, riots, and disrupting college campuses across the US and allowing them a free hand to attack stores, restaurants, and government buildings without consequences.

Even committing murder of the citizens with recourse.  The facts are clear.  The federal government, for the most part , represents foreign interests and under foreign control rather than representing this country and its people.

Conclusion:  Each day, it becomes more apparent that the federal government is not representing the laws, constitution, or people of the US any longer. 

It’s not just my opinion but their very words and actions that show they no longer represent this country or people. 

They have been representing their own interests ( as is evident with the 20 shell companies Biden and his son are apparently running).

The Globalist are using their sergeants and their different tools IE (Communism, Radical Islam, Climate Change Scheme, The Cults of Trans, Queer, And Non-Binary as well as celebrities across the country and MSM to push their agenda and destroy US society and Sovereignty). 

The Democratic Party and most of the Republican Party has, in my opinion, sold out for money and power. 

Leaving the country to fend for itself.  With the states attempting to pick up the pieces of the failed policies and trying to save the US, not only without the help of the federal government.

But as we have seen in Texas and elsewhere around the country in direct opposition to the state efforts to defend the borders, constitution, and people of the US.  The same people they were elected to represent in the first place.

You Reap What You Sow

Currently, massive anti-semetic protests are raging across the US, with Pro-Palestinian riotors declaring autonomous zones on those campuses.   Forcing the police to be put in dangerous situations to attempt to counter the violence.

With financial support coming from many Marxist organizations and surprise surprise, the Communist Party of China. 

A globalist puppet and weapon that has been doing their damnist to destroy the US from the inside financially.   It’s not surprising that the same actors that backed and financed the violent riots of the last several years are back using Palestinian as the catalyst for the current disruption.

Not that they really need a reason because their main purpose is social disruption and destruction of US sovereignty, so the cause is irrelevant.   As long as the goal is achieved.

These behind the scenes agitators drop and adopt causes at will with zero regard for the actual cause, it’s outcome, or the ramifications of their actions as long as the ultimately,  disruption of society, massive damage occurs and US sovereignty is destroyed.   Bonus if they damage the economy in the process.

However, this outcome should be a surprise to no one.  The Globalist have been pushing on hot and heavy with their agenda of depopulation and destruction of national sovereignties of all the Western countries.  

As such, this issue has been leveraged to again accomplish several goals simultaneously.   And , as such, they are putting pressure on an already overburdened society by staging these fake Pro-Palestinian rallies using them as an excuse to disrupt society. 

And foster animosity between Jewish and non Jewish factions.  Further, forcing the cities where these riots take place to finance the police presence to attempt to contain these staged violent events.

The use of Communism as a tool for the Globalist is obvious.  And, as such, the fact that the Marxist and Communist are behind staging these riots is not unusual.   In fact, they have been using these same agitators to disrupt and destroy the social bonds of this country for years now.

What is interesting is that not only has the federal government not stepped in to stop these stage violent events. 

They have until now encouraged them and in past violent protest assisted them going so far as to financially support these actors bailing them out of jail after the police did their duty to attempt to stop their acts of violence.

What does this say for the federal government?   The obvious statement is not only to support the Globalists in their mission.  But they are actively helping carry it out across the country.

As for where all these violent protectors came from, well, why do you think the Biden Administration has fought so hard to keep the southern border wide open? 

The Democratic Party is part of the Globalist plot and, in my opinion, actively assisting in the destruction of the US to the tune of between 12 to 14 thousand invaders daily.

They have their members married into the globalists’ families as well into the family of at least on family in the Middle East, and they are irreparably compromised.

With the Republicans in my opinion, colluding with them either compromised by their criminal or questionable actions. 

Or compromised by lobbies providing a lot of under the table encouragement to support the globalist agenda.  Basically turning Washington into a uniparty single party system owned by the Globalist and their partners and interest.

You reap what you sow.  As you throw the borders wide open and allow the invasion of the country by an unvetted UN/Brix Treaty/Radical Islamic stealth army, what did you think would be the ultimate outcome?

Conclusion:  The Globalist have been upfront with their stated goals of depopulation and elimination of the national sovereignty of all the current countries.  As well as the elimination of their societies as relics of another era.  In preparation for their final conquest of the planet to make way for their one world totalitarian government.

As such, these violent protests are simply another means to that end.  Just as Marxist Communism is but another means to achieve their ultimate goal.

The fact that the people allow their government to so throughly sell them out in such a blatantly seditious manner they will, in the end, reap what they have sown.