You Live In An Illusion, The Only Question Is Will You Take The Red Or Blue Pill?

If the government has the ability to print as much money as they wish .  Why are they taxing the citizens?  The answer is to maintain the illusion that you are financially supporting the US government.

The truth is that tax represents manipulation and control.  The goal is to never let the population know the truth about anything.

The official narrative is simply a way to maintain their power over the population.   They have carefully crafted the illusion of choice.  The illusion of freedom.  The illusion of self governance.

Society as a whole is awash with propaganda, predictive programming in social media, movies, and TV. 

Mind control is a fact of life as the government and by extension their Globalist masters have spent big money to control every aspect of your life and created this matrix to keep you asleep and passively complying with their agenda.

It’s all just one big illusion, and they hope you never see the truth until they have accomplished all their goals.  

And eliminated the majority of the population without them ever realizing they were slaves.  Slaves are not just of the economy.   Slaves in their own minds.

Taxes are just one piece of an elaborate matrix created to keep you physically controlled occupied with supposed careers which are as much an intrical part of the control structure as all the other false illusions they maintain to keep you docile and asleep. 

Thinking you are free, only the truth is you are simply a free-range slave with a societal fence that is invisible.  Just like during the plandemic, I kept you in line with peer pressure and governmental coercion and fines for stepping out of line.

Conclusion:  The government prints as much money they require behind the scenes and will continue as long as they have paper and ink.

It’s only real value is what they say it has.  In reality, it’s simply paper.  Taxes are not about governmental support.  It simply gives you the illusion you have any say at all in what the government does domestically or abroad.

In fact, you are a slave from cradle to the grave.  A slave of your own mind.  And the sad fact is so many people are so brainwashed they will live their entire lives, never realizing their captivity. 

And you carry your own jailer with you in your pocket.  And pay for your own chains, thinking it a blessing of modern technology in the form of a smart device .  A surveillance device you willingly keep with you at all times.  This even George Orwell couldn’t have imagined occuring.

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