Operation: Samson

Operation Samson is a hypothetical military strategy that has been attributed to Israel. It suggests that in the event of an existential threat to the state of Israel, particularly from a nuclear-armed adversary like Iran, Israel would respond by launching a massive and devastating nuclear counterstrike against its enemies.

The name “Samson” refers to the biblical figure known for his great strength and willingness to sacrifice himself in order to defeat his enemies.

The idea behind Operation Samson is that even if Israel were facing overwhelming odds or destruction, it would retaliate with such force as to ensure mutual assured destruction (MAD) and deter any potential aggressors from attacking.

Conclusion:  It’s important to note that Operation Samson is not an official Israeli military doctrine or policy but rather a concept discussed in academic circles and strategic analysis as a possible response under extreme circumstances.

The actual details and implementation of such a strategy remain speculative and highly classified.

The real question is, would Israel utilize such a destructive strategy if it were faced with possible total annihilation or immediate invasion?   Give what we know of the Israeli state history. I’m my opinion. Yes, they would.

And , the other question is, could Israel’s allies be in danger of being targeted potentially either accidentally as collateral damage?  Or even intentionally attacked to preserve Israeli governmental integrity?

Unfortunately, again, I would have to answer in the affirmative.   The USS Liberty was targeted by Israeli forces ; * See Below

The USS Liberty incident. On June 8, 1967, during the Six-Day War between Israel and its Arab neighbors, the USS Liberty, a United States Navy technical research ship, was attacked by Israeli Air Force jet fighters and torpedo boats off the coast of Egypt in international waters.

The attack resulted in significant damage to the USS Liberty and caused casualties among its crew members. The exact reasons for the attack remain controversial and have been subject to various theories and investigations over the years.

Israel claimed that it had mistaken the USS Liberty for an Egyptian vessel due to various factors such as misidentification or confusion during wartime conditions. However, some survivors of the attack and other sources have raised questions about whether it was a deliberate act by Israel.

The incident strained relations between Israel and the United States at that time but ultimately did not lead to long-term diplomatic consequences. Both countries conducted investigations into the matter with differing conclusions regarding intent.

As such, it is not a far stretch to imagine given a scenario where Israel faced invasion or imminent attack then Israel would use every method at its disposal to not only stave off such an attack but exact revenge on any either directly responsible or perceived to have a hand in it and this included allied countries or forces. 

Just as they did when targeting the USS Liberty during the 6 day war.

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