How Sunlight Affects Our Consciousness

Light from the sun serves as a powerful source of energy for all life on Earth, including humans. This energy is converted into various forms that play a crucial role in regulating our biological functions, including our sleep-wake cycle.

Sunlight exposure helps regulate our circadian rhythm, the internal clock that controls when we feel sleepy or awake. The amount of light we are exposed to during the day affects the production of hormones like melatonin, which helps us sleep better at night.

Sunlight is a natural mood enhancer. Exposure to sunlight triggers the release of serotonin in the brain, a neurotransmitter that helps boost mood and promote a sense of well-being. This is why many people experience feelings of happiness and positivity on sunny days.

Sunlight also plays a key role in the production of vitamin D in our bodies. Vitamin D is important for maintaining healthy bones, regulating the immune system, and supporting overall brain function. A lack of sunlight exposure has been linked to vitamin D deficiency and various health issues.

The color temperature of sunlight can also influence our state of mind. Bright, blue-rich light in the morning can help increase alertness and improve cognitive function, while warmer, golden light in the evening can promote relaxation and prepare our bodies for sleep.

Sunlight exposure has been shown to have a positive impact on our cognitive function and mental health. Studies have found that spending time outdoors in natural light can enhance cognitive performance, improve focus, and reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression.

The pineal gland, a small, pea-shaped gland in the brain, is sensitive to light and plays a role in regulating our sleep patterns and circadian rhythm. Sunlight exposure helps synchronize the pineal gland with the natural light-dark cycle, promoting better sleep and overall well-being.

Sunlight is essential for the production of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that is known to regulate mood, appetite, and sleep. Low levels of serotonin have been linked to depression, anxiety, and other mood disorders. Exposure to sunlight can help increase serotonin levels and improve mood.

Sunlight exposure is also linked to the production of endorphins, the body’s natural painkillers and mood elevators. Endorphins are released in response to sunlight, exercise, and other pleasurable activities, helping to reduce pain, stress, and improve overall sense of well-being.

The intensity and wavelength of sunlight can influence our biological clock and regulate the secretion of hormones like cortisol, which plays a role in stress response, metabolism, and immune function. Proper exposure to natural light can help balance our hormone levels and support overall health.

Sunlight exposure triggers the release of nitric oxide in the skin, which has been shown to lower blood pressure, improve cardiovascular health, and boost cognitive function. Spending time in the sun can have a positive impact on our vascular system and brain function.

Sunlight exposure can help improve our quality of sleep by regulating the production of hormones like melatonin, which is responsible for promoting restful sleep. Exposure to natural light during the day can help synchronize our internal clock and improve our sleep-wake cycle.

Sunlight is a natural source of energy that can help increase our vitality and alertness. Exposure to natural light during the day can help combat feelings of fatigue, lethargy, and improve our mental clarity and focus.

Sunlight exposure has been associated with improved memory and cognitive function. Studies have shown that spending time in natural light can enhance learning, memory retention, and overall cognitive performance.

Sunlight exposure has been shown to have a positive impact on our emotional well-being. The warmth and brightness of natural light can uplift our spirits, reduce feelings of sadness or anxiety, and promote a sense of calm and relaxation.

Sunlight exposure stimulates the production of serotonin in the brain, a neurotransmitter that is known to improve mood, regulate appetite, and promote feelings of happiness and well-being. Spending time outside in the sun can help boost serotonin levels and enhance our emotional health.

Sunlight exposure is essential for the synthesis of vitamin D in our bodies, a crucial nutrient that plays a role in bone health, immune function, and overall well-being. Adequate sunlight exposure is necessary to maintain optimal vitamin D levels and support our health.

Sunlight exposure helps regulate our biological clock and circadian rhythm, influencing our sleep patterns, hormone production, and overall well-being. Proper exposure to natural light during the day can help synchronize our internal clock and promote restful sleep at night.

Sunlight exposure has a natural calming effect on the mind and body. The warmth and brightness of natural light can help reduce stress, anxiety, and promote relaxation, creating a sense of peace and tranquility.

Conclusion : Sunlight plays a multifaceted role in influencing our consciousness, mood, cognitive function, and overall well-being. By understanding and harnessing the power of sunlight, we can optimize our health, vitality, and mental clarity.

Thus through use of chemtrails and other methods to block out the Sun  it is possible to directly affect our consciousness.   This is one reason the government is putting chemtrails in the atmosphere.   As well as space based arrays to block out sunlight.

Everything You’ve Ever Read Is False

I want to expound a hypothesis about this reality.  Everything you have ever learned, read, or were taught is a lie.  The secret of this reality is that those who are truly behind the scenes controlling aren’t human.

I know that’s an extreme statement.   However, let’s examine the facts.  First, those in power always hide any proof that advanced technology and possibly extraterrestrial/ultraterrestrial civilizations not only existed.  But quite possibly pre-dated human civilization.

Further, according to ancient accounts, it is very possible that those advanced races used DNA manipulation to create homosapians.  They may be the reason modern man exists at all.  We well could have been a created race.  Created and utilized as slaves to them.

It’s reasonable to assume that perhaps war or other calamity caused the majority of those races to either abandon the Earth. Or they moved underground or off the world to the moon or some other planet in the Sol system.

The premise has been put forth that a reptillian race has remained on the planet and has been the driving force behind human history.  Quieting controlling and directing the human species.  Keeping them in the dark as to their true history and origins.

They controlled information.  Just allowing the mere trickle of science to reach us, holding back the truth.  Leaving the human race in the (Dark Ages of Scientific Understanding.)

Further, it is these same reptillians that are the driving force behind the Globalists and their agenda of depopulation of the majority of  humanity to lessen the possibility that these slaves be a burden to control if they ever learned the truth and rebelled against them and their control.

To further their control, the elimination of all power structures but one would consolidate they control over the world’s resources and complete control over those left to be slaves and possibly food.

The globalists and other leaders of the planet are being controlled, possibly even bred into these elite families, creating hybreds to make it easier to survive in this environment.  They have been using climate change as a smoke screen to teraform the planet.

With space reflectors, cloud seeding and weather modification as well as chemtrails to put heavy metals in the atmosphere. 

Further, they are attempting to starve humanity by shutting down farming and meat production. Slowly but surely, they are killing off humanity and industry at a time.

Conclusion:  It’s hard to phantom or even comprehend what humans would adopt an anti-human agenda unless those behind it aren’t human and want to cull the entire human race.

Leaving the planet and its resources available for some other species to step in and take over.  If we use critical thinking, then the obvious answer is there is another species behind this destruction of humanity to serve their own ends.

So, to revisit the original premise of this post , everything you have ever been taught, read, or learned is a lie.  The truth is the always was other species on this planet.

And it is they that are the controlling force behind this planet’s history.  Humans were merely contributing players in the planetary saga.

The Merovegian Kings: The Remnants Of Christ

The Holy Grail : A legend of a relic (chalice) that was proported to have been used at the last supper by Jesus Christ and was said to hold miraculous powers.

However, other texts and legends point not to a thing.  But rather a person, that person being a follower of Christ .  It was said to represent Mary Magdaline. 

According to some legends, Jesus had taken Mary Madeline as a wife secretly.  And that she was the Grail containing the holy bloodline the child of Jesus Christ. 

After the crucifixion and resurrection, she was said to have left the Middle East and want taken to France.  It was in France that she had her child and lived out her days until her death.

According to legends, her bloodline ( Christ Bloodline) led to a royal bloodline and the Frank kingly dynasty known as the Merovegian dynasty.   Further, it is implied that from this line, most of the royal decendants of Europe and elsewhere are direct decendants of Christ, thereby granting them divine right by blood to rule.

These royal bloodlines have been tracked up unto the present day, believing that the divine blood grants authority and perhaps miraculous powers to Christ’s decendants.

With most royal bloodlines tracking their ancestors back to Christ.  It is said that the Knights Templar were the protectors of the divine bloodlines and that these divine royal bloodlines are the Grail or sanguine raal or royal blood that links them directly to Christ.

Conclusion:  The Holy Bloodlines that according to legends comprise the actual historical Grail were decended from Mary Magdaline and through the Merovegian dynasty of Kings which led to the bloodlines to most of the kings of the royal lines from the their line forward including most of the Presidents of the US who can track their bloodlines to Christ. 

Thus, the Merovegian Kings line was the focal point through which the divine bloodline was disseminated to the royal heritage of most of the world.  Thereby granting rule by divine right granting divine authority to rule to the Royal orders.


I have been analyzing a lot of variables of late, and one thing I am beginning to see that is blaringly obvious. That is that everything we have been taught is a lie.

A clever falsehood that was created to keep us from asking questions. To simply accept what we have been taught without question.

As such, we would remain in a crafted reality that was created to make us believe that the world is exactly what we have been told. And, as such, we look no further for answers simply because that is all we think there is.

However, what I have come to understand is that nothing is as it seems. The education system was created not to actually educate. But, rather to indoctrinate us into the reality that the elites have carefully crafted.

As such, we must take everything we have been taught and toss it out the window. All of it is because if it was indeed a crafted narrative meant to keep us mentally enslaved. Then it is all suspect. All a falsehood. And therefore meaningless.

As such, we are left to reevaluate every aspect of our understanding. This brings us to the topic of this post-war. We have been taught that war is the final option when all other options for problem resolution have been exhausted between peoples or nations.

The ultimate problem resolution was to resort to the barbarism of violence to force agreement and compliance. However, if we assume that this idea is a lie, then what are we left with?

The answer is not a pretty one. However, to ascertain the actual purpose, we must begin with the ultimate goal of the Globalist elite, and it is a two-fold strategy.

First: the consolidation of power, elimination of sovereign countries in favor of a all powerful totalitarian one world government.

This has been their main objective for centuries. And, as we have seen that of late they have been very candid and forthright about this end goal.

They neither conceal nor mince words when it comes to this initiative or goal. As such, war is a useful tool to eliminate opposition to their March toward eliminating all local power.

And consolidation of that power in the hands of a single ruling body or an individual who will effectively control all resources. And therefore the destiny of the world population going forward.

The second part of this strategy is the elimination of the majority of the drag on said resources. This means removing the majority of the population in order to extend those resources into the future.

To do this, they have employed several strategies to implement this depopulation agenda. They utilized birth control and elimination.

As well as sterilization of a large number of the population through adding chemicals to the food, water, and air in the form of chemtrails releasing heavy metals and gases into the atmosphere.

As well as using genetic engineering as MRNA strands of RNA to resequence our genetic material and add disease into our very genetic structure. As well as to add this to our medicines and vaccines.

To be carried forward to future generations. Thereby limiting the lifespans of our offspring. Thereby effectively controlling population growth.

As well as utilizing specific chemicals that can affect our hormones, such as testosterone and estrogen, in such a way as to cause people to be chemically castrated by way of changing gender.

Causing women to act as men and vice-versa because if they desire sexual contact with their own, they won’t procreate.

I suspect this is the reason Transgenderism and Homosexuality are on the rise. It’s being chemically induced. Zero population growth falls in line with their agenda.

They have also utilized starvation, dehydration, and weather modification as tools to eliminate specific sectors of the population.

Consider them as check valves to consistently and periodically eliminate a large number of humans. Especially in lower technology countries such as the Middle East and African nations.

As well as maintaining specific possibly curable diseases such as cancer and cardiopulmonary diseases. These remain to simply eliminate annually a set number of the world population. As does flu and other annual diseases.

Finally, we come to the title subject of this post-war. And, as we have seen, we have been taught what they wish us to know. Not what actually is reality. As such, war as an institution and actual means of conflict resolution is whole inadequate to accomplish its stated task.

It neither resolves conflict nor solves problems. It simply compounds issues already present. And is a huge drain on resources as well as manpower. So that being stated, what possible other use could such a destructive and barbaric practice be used for?

The answer is going back to the two stated goals of the Globalist elite. Those are the elimination of the national sovereignty of the world’s nations. With a consolidation of resources and power to one all-powerful totalitarian world government.

As well as the depopulation of the majority of the world population. Thereby maximizing the amount of world resources on those who are left.

The actual purpose of war is simply mass depopulation. That is the reason in 2023, such a barbaric institution remains. It is simply another tool the Globalist use for achieving their end goal of depopulation of the planet. It’s as simple as that.

Conclusion: Just as we must understand that war is not contrary to what we have been taught a method of conflict resolution. We must understand that nothing we have been taught is real or factual. As such, we must begin from scratch when building our worldview.

Nothing the establishment has taught us has anything to do with the way things really are and it is up to us to have the common sense to understand that we have been duped when it comes to education and everything we have thought we understand as reality.

And remember, the starting point on the path to wisdom begins is the statement: I don’t know.

We are left to seek out the truth for ourselves. And, as we progress on the path toward enlightenment, we will come to see the things are rarely what we believe them to be at first glance. Understanding and careful analysis will lead us toward the actual truth.

Follow that truth wherever it leads. Not fearing the final destination. This will lead you to the actual reality. And ultimately, true wisdom.

Soylent Green: Your Life in The Matrix

Based on everything the globalist elites are putting out, they intend to control the food supply entirely. First, starting with GMO foods and vegetables. Removing the natural ability of fruits and vegetables to reproduce naturally. It is the first method of control.

Moving on to legally regulating the publics ability to grow their own organically grown fruit and vegetables. To take control and actually claim ownership over all water, including naturally falling rain water in places like Florida and elsewhere.

To take control of farms in Pennsylvania were the Amish community sold raw milk and farm raised beef. With the government unreasonably fining, forcing them not to sell. And even confiscating the products and farms themselves.

This is the first step : Control the Food /Control the People – Henry Kissinger. Their goal is to control all food production and potable water. This is why Bill Gates has now bought enough farmland to be the US largest owner of farmland.

They are also creating things such as ( Lab Grown Meat). As well as encouraging the use of insects as a food source. As well as encouraging recycling urine and even human waste as a food source. Which is insanity in and of itself.

Along with adding MRNA materials to manufactured foods to alter those who consume it, compromising their DNA, causing a host of conditions, diseases, and ultimately death as a result.

But, it has been suggested that they are actually using humans as meat in fast foods and other store meat that is supposed to be pork, beef, or chicken. With elits in Hollywood reportedly hosting canabal parties bringing human meat to consume at those gatherings.

Just like the movie The Matrix People’s future, though perhaps not reduced to a power source, though at this point, anything is possible. They intend to feed the slaves dead slaves to conserve food supplies.

And if this sounds like conspiracy theory. Just listen to them speak. They have hid nothing and come out and tell you their goals. Of depopulating the planet through vaccines, abortion, and bioweapons they call ( Pandemics).

As well as war, famine, and manipulating the environment in the name of combating their crisis narrative of global warming. Which is a wealth redistribution scheme. As well as a catalyst for extreme measures.

Such as weather modification. Control of the amount of global sunlight reaching the planet through chemtrails and huge space mirrors. As well as using billion watt lasers and Haarp. They also use cloud creation factories to block the sun and weather modification

Their plan is once they have eliminated 98% of the population. Those remaining will be herded into smart 15-minute cities where they are completely controlled 24/7.
Essentially, turning the remainder of the population into free-range slaves.

Their intent is to control the food, energy, and money of the entire world for their benefit. To literally rewrite reality to fit their totalitarian dictatorship agenda. The sad thing is they have been extremely upfront about their agenda in the UN Agendas 21, 25, and 30 documents.

Further, the likes of Klaus Schab have said : You will own nothing and be happy about it. Henry Kissinger in the National Security Study Memorandum. Also known as the Kissinger Report, which laid out the framework for the depopulation of the globe.

Conclusion: We are quickly approaching a world the likes of which we have never witnessed. A world that was deconstructed and destroyed by design. A world of control and slavery. A tyranny the likes of which the founding fathers couldn’t have imagined. A reality that was crafted by a few to eliminate the majority.

A world where the grand experiment known as humanity has reached its twilight. And eventual cessation. Perhaps, in a millenia, who knows. Perhaps another species will rise up to take mastery over this blue marble known as Earth. I hope they will be better stewarts over it than we were in the end. Allowing hatred and a true loathing of our own species to ultimately be our undoing.

The Coming Storm

Most ration people feel something is coming. Even if they don’t know what that something is, they still know things are not the way they were. They can see that the government has become more and more controlling. And far less accommodating to people’s Constitutional rights.

The Marxist left has become much more authoritarian. Making bolder and bolder pronouncements about how they want to eliminate people’s rights. But, in the case of the Hamas attacks, hie they support the absolute genocide of the Jewish people.

A marked departure from they inclusive narrative that they have been pushing for decades. With people like Rashida Talib calling for the elimination of Israel openly. As well as supporting openly a Leftist Pro-Hamas incursion of the Capital building. With zero consequences. As well as Illan Omar supporting the same.

The rest of the Democratic (Squad) after the 2020 election called for a Nazi style internment of those who supported MAGA. And literal torture was called for by Cortez. With people like Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer actively working against our national interest.

Further, many allegations have been brought against Joe Biden, his son Hunter, and the rest of the Biden family of corruption and literally sell out our country to foreign players for financial gain.

With the result causing us to be stuck supporting a pointless war in the Ukraine. Supporting violence, rather than sitting down to negotiate a ceasefire and withdrawal of Russian forces from Ukrainian territory. Why? The reason is clear, money. Money to be made on Arms sales to the Ukraine. As well as the rebuilding after the conflict.

Further, alleged money laundering through the Ukraine and kicked back to political campaign upcoming. Sound far-fetched and the stuff of conspiracy theories? Well, based on everything we have heard about the Bidens’ supposed dealings with Zalenski, Biresma, and other foreign oligarchs, it seems far more likely in 2023 than in the past years.

However, what is the endgame? What are their true agendas and goals? They have been very transparent as to where they want policies to lead. They spelled out much of their future plans in the UN documents Agenda 21,25, and 30.

The need for global depopulation of 98% of the world’s total population. Smart 15-minute cities for the remainder of humanity. 24/7 surveillance and absolute control of all land, resources by the Global elite. The dissolution of all state sovereignties in preparation for a worldwide totalitarian dictatorship. And the elimination of all current cities.

Toward the goal of depopulation, they intend to use bioweapons, poison vaccines that rewrite your DNA, and eliminate your immune system. Strict birthing practices. The encouragement of gay, Trans, and abortion to curtail population growth.

These ideas have been put forth, supported, and propagated by the likes of billionaire Globalist Klaus Schwab, Henry Kissinger , George Soros, Bill Gates the Rockefellers, the Rothchilds and other Globalist families.

They are actively supporting genocide in the Ukraine, the Middle East, and supporting it in China by way of the Marxist ideology. They are utilizing the Arab world to push the genocide and dissolution of the Jewish people with the very same ideology, terror, and tactics utilized by the Nazis in World War 2.

This is an anti-human ideology with evil at its very core utilizing every possible thing at its disposal to achieve their endgoals. They have used Eugenics to eliminate useless eaters. Which was the framework that Adolf Hitler adopted in World War 2 in an attempt to eradicate all ( Undesirables), including the Jewish people, Homosexuals, the physically and mentally handicapped as well as religious peoples.

Conclusion: They are simply recycling all these evils of the past. They have gone out of their way to hide the destruction these ideologies have caused and their ultimate anti-human agenda.

They have used a combination of separate a number of different ideas and concepts from the past. That weren’t necessarily combined so they could appear separate things. When in reality they were working in concert to accomplish their endgame .

The elimination of the majority of mankind. And the control and enslavement of those lucky enough or unlucky enough to remain after the holocaust and conflagration that they had wrought.

The sad reality is that the enemy is not just without but within as well. Lincoln said : The United States wouldn’t be destroyed from outside. But, if it happened, it would be by our own hand. And, that is what we are witnessing in real-time.

The deconstruction and dissolution of our countries’ infrastructure, society, moral standards, and a watering down of our rights enumerated in our founding documents. And ultimately the demoralization of our people and the destruction of the nuclear family.

The Path Forward: Transhumanism And The Advent Of The Nonhuman

This has been a much debated subject with the idea of selective breeding of homosapians being a long sought-after goal of governments and other organizations such as the Eugenics movement.

Nazi Germany in World War 2 using the Eugenics mindset embarked on a path to create a genetically superior human or homosurperiour. These experiments, though crude by today’s standards, nonetheless laid the foundation for the continued search for transcendence.

Genetic Modification has moved forward at a steady rate, and technologies have been created to augment this science such as the gene editing technology Crispr. This technology allows for direct editing of the human genome.

As such, traits can be added or modified, such as the augmentation of height, strength, and mental capacity through the use of adding material from different genetic patterns of multiple human eggs.

However, much talk has been raised about intentional genetic modification through the use of MRNA DNA modification to perhaps limit lifespans. Or add genetic disease precursors to make a given individual more likely to have, say, cancer or a pulmonary disease. Or even a stroke or kidney malfunction. The idea is used for population control.

MRNA has been said to be employed in both pharmaceutical applications, such as vaccines, and certain medications that could be used as delivery systems to human hosts.

Further, GMO foods are being targeted as vectors for delivery of these MRNA strands to human subjects. Though the goals as stated could be solely as a depopulation tool. It is possible that it could also be used for other purposes.

From dehumanizing targeted homosapians, thereby making their protection under the law null and void. Reducing them to a owned sub species to be used and exploited for applications such as body part harvesting and test beds for new technologies. As well as common free-range slaves.

Ethical questions raised by such actions are many and diverse. However, exploitation for profit is high on the list. As well as the lack of protection from unscrupulous corporations and individuals to use these transhumans for their own ends represent a moral conundrum moving forward.

As the definition of who is truly human is blurred. One thing is abundantly apparent. The future of humanity as a whole will forever be changed with the advent of genetic manipulation and augmentation.

Ethically, we are faced with age-old questions such as “Do we have the right to force any being into servitude?” Do we have the right to play God to satisfy our own need for competition with other nations and corporations?

Should we be allowed to dictate who has rights and who does not? Further, with the idea of the creation of Nonhumans or Homoborgenesis. Do we then have the moral high ground to move forward changing, modifying this Nonhuman class as we see fit?

Turning them into living antennas, for instance, using a patient owned by Bill Gates and Microsoft? Does this new subspecies have any right to stop them? Or are they simply reduced to chattel to be used, modified, or eliminated at the discretion of those who own the patients on their genetic modification?

How far is too far when dealing with legal genetic modification and manipulation? Ultimately, ethical questions aside, where will this ultimately lead us as a species if we remove random genetic mutations from our species?

The answers lay in a stagnation of our diversity. And a movement toward a though possibly genetic superior species. However, a morally ambiguous one that has no qualms with using anyone for profit, political goals, or as chattel and objects.

This future is the future of the globalist design. For a protected upper class ruling over the oppressed slave class of those who are deemed subhuman and thereby dismissed as irrelevant.

Conclusion: Though my initial purpose of this post was to expose the ethical implications of wholesale genetic manipulation and modification. I realized just how heinous and dystopian of a future would occur if this were allowed to reach its logical conclusion.

And, though the history of homosapians has been rife with destruction, abuse, and a testament to what happens when we allow too much power to be controlled by to few individuals.

One thing is abundantly clear. That is, regardless of the technology or advancement, its use and control is still governed by the same destructive minds who drove us as a civilization to the brink of annihilation by biological, chemical and nuclear means.

We are restricted by our own intellectual limitations and by the tendency of greed and need for ultimate control to override our empathy and basic humanity.

So long as this is a fact, we are doomed ultimately as a species. Unable to see beyond our petty selfish desires to see the opportunity to evolve as a people into something that transcends the physical boundaries of this existence.

Genetic manipulation and modification is a dead-end as a means to an end. It has many possible beneficial possibilities, such as an end to disease. And genetic malformations. However, the risk of abuse outweighs the benefits of its usage.

Truth Behind The Illusion: The Depopulation Agenda

As we have seen, the Globalist elites have to be very transparent about their plans and goals for the world in the future. A future which they plan on eliminating the majority of the world population 98%. Leaving a mere 800 thousand out of a population of roughly 7.5 billion.

Their methods have been stated to range from a wide range of contraceptives, both chemical and physical. They have encouraged the worldwide abortion movement. With a goal of zero population growth.

Along with the above measures, they encouraged the homosexual, transsexual and queer and trans activist. Their main reason for pushing and normalizing this behavior is that they can’t have children.

They have been very upfront about pushing these agendas. Further , they have devised methods for eliminating the current population as well. Through a number of methods including : Poison vaccines, gain of function research of viruses and diseases such as Covid 19, The Avian Flu, as well as other pathogens.

Also, they plan to re-write your DNA through those same vaccines with MRNA strands that change your component patterns, making you more susceptible to the viruses they were supposed to prevent. As well as literally shutting down your immune system entirely.

Also, through other products, pharmaceuticals, and GMO foods, they intend to achieve the same result using this MRNA to essentially rewrite your base sequence DNA so you are made to die much younger.

They have said this through spokesmen like Bill Gates. They further intend to use other methods such as chemicals released in chemtrails, which are heavy metals and other chemicals released in the atmosphere.

In conjunction with these methods, they will use conventional, biological, and yes, even nuclear war as a means to eliminate the majority of the world population. All of this which they tell you is because of climate change. They state they must save the environment by eliminating the majority of the population to combat climate change.

But, in reality, they are simply greedy evil people attempting to gain absolute control of all money and the commodities of life such as water, food, energy, and housing. Also, they want to have the remainder of the population under 24/7 surveillance by Ai controlled video systems. They want to own everything, including you. And effectively turning you into free-range slaves to the corrupt oligarchs running a totalitarian Global marxist dictatorship.

Those are stated goals. Much of the above laid out in UN documents labeled Agenda 21,25,30. As well as 2050. Their end game is a one world government controlled by a dictator.

The question is, how did we get here? Well , this began centuries ago with people who called themselves Charcoal dealers. They were literally the harbingers of the Communist ideology. Similar ideas were passed from secret society to secret society for a millenia.

The ruling elite Globalists are the descendants of those who ran all those secret societies and ruling families, as well as royal bloodlines. However, that is for another post.

I want to address how we got to this current incarnation of the depopulation agenda. The more recent progenitor of the ideology was an organization/ideology called Eugenics.

The idea that the majority of the world population were useless eaters. Mere consumers of the world’s valuable resources. And, as such, must be stifled and reduced. As such, they wanted to bring in selective breeding and the curtailing of just random coupling. The elimination of the lower middle-class as well as the lower-class having children at all.

So, an adherent and activist for Eugenics, a woman named Margret Sanger, set out to create a viable way to stop the lower and middle class from having children.

Her solution was named Planned Parenthood. Although it had little to do with helping people plan to be parents. And everything to do with stopping them from having children through aborting and eliminating their children entirely.

And, her efforts were noticed by a political up an coming leader. One who based his nations selective breeding program as well as other core Eugenics ideas into his national policy, including the Genocide of 6 million jews and the elimination of mentally handicapped as well as sexual deviants (homosexuals). This leader who had such admiration for Sanger was none other than Adolf Hitler.

This Eugenics ideology was taken up by the US government after the war in the 1950’s with a host of selective breeding programs created and later it was adopted by the UN as the idea of climate change initiatives, as well as the Agendas 21,25,30 factoring in depopulation to eliminate a large percentage of the world population through their global policies.

However, the current incarnation of the depopulation agenda can be tracked directly back to a document put out by the United States Security Council. Entitled: National Security Study Memorandum, (NSSM 200).

Otherwise known as The Kissinger Report. In it laid the foundation of not only the curtailment of the growing of the population. But, also the methods for decreasing and ultimate elimination of 98% of the world population. And makes up the framework of the elites agenda to gain control of the world’s resources as well as eliminating the population. As such, it was the literally action plan for the current depopulation agenda.

Conclusion: All the things such as feminism, abortion, the push to normalize homosexualuality as well as transgenderism were nothing more than the governments attempt to accomplish its end goal of population elimination, gaining control of the world’s wealth as well as all resources. And the total enslavement of all who are left after.

Just Saying So, Doesn’t Make It So

I find it interesting that in woke political perspective,  just saying it is so makes it so.  If you are born a biological male doesn’t make it so as long as you say you are biologically female.

Right now, just say what you want and somehow that changes reality for you.Ā  Further, if you say that’s the way it is , and just like that,Ā  it forces the rest of reality to conform with your viewpoint.

This is the way sexuality works, that is if you belong to the woke political perspective.Ā Ā  Changing your sexual gender is as simple as just saying so.Ā  Born a man?Ā  Don’t want to be?Ā  Then just say your a woman, and poof you are now female.Ā 

If you choose to change your sex organs then you can do that to make you feel more comfortable,  however it is not necessary required to become a female or male for statement to be accurate in woke viewpoint. 

However, truth doesn’t have to agree with woke political perspective.   Further,  you just have to believe it and it becomes so.  It’s sort of humorous that when the LBG group was formed being bisexual, or a lesbian or gay was the far-out left side of the political spectrum.   However, now if you are a member of a woke political perspective now, you simply shoehorn your woke perspective into the homesexual group, and this apparently grants your viewpoint legitimacy.

What pedophilia to be accepted?  Simply come out with a new catchphrase,  and a new flag , and shoehorn your perspective into the LGB moniker.  Now, if anyone disagrees they belong to a group trying to demonize your positive helpful, good role model you are now representing to the world.  And, that is how you create your own woke political perspective.

Transgender woke political perspective,  has been under some fire lately because, unfortunately just saying you are a woman or man for that matter does not make it so. 

The Transgender community has been pushing their woke perspective in female sports, forcing biological females to face biological males in sports requiring strength,  endurance and the ability to match male stamina.   And, as such the biological males posing as females are beating the biological females.

The Transgender woke perspective has as such painted themselves into a corner.  The groups that would normally defend their wokeness can’t do this without appearing hypocritical.   So they had to side with the physically weaker group, which means they defended biology or appearance.

Futher, the Transgender woke political perspective attempted to say biology can be wrong, and therefore changed.  Problem is, just because you are a male that changes his hormones  or even his sexual organs changed. 

It does not make him capable of becoming a biological female.  Regardless, of what he appears to be, he will never be an actual female .

Conclusion:  While, woke political perspective, is the ability to join the LGB whatever , thereby becoming mainstream and politically bulletproof.   Not every far left has the ability to successfully make the transition from demonize to accepted. 

Transgender  woke political perspective appears to be one of the exceptions to the rule.  Sadly, it failure appears to be not in following the guidelines,  but instead in it’s own branding.

I have an article as an example of the above view.
I encourage you to research the above topic as well.

Macy Gray to Piers Morgan: Gender-affirming surgery doesn’t make you a woman

HIVĀ : In The Vaccines

This is one I questioned, I mean why would they include HIV in a vaccine to create immunity to the Covid virus?  Well, the other day I came across a video about the Covid-19 virus, in which a risk manager for an insurance carrier was saying that they had determined the HIV virus was indeed included in several of the drug manufacturers vaccines.

The insurance representative stated that they include HIV in the vaccines to enable the other vaccine  ingredients to bypass your weakened immune system.  The problem is that people have been coming up HIV positive…

As such, the representative of the insurance carrier intends to bring law suits against at least 2 of the major drug manufacturers.   The representative stated his job is to determine the inherit danger of actions, and products.

Conclusion: The fact is that HIV , is apparently at least one of the main Ingredients of at least 2 of the major vaccines.  So they can deny, anything they want however if in fact these law suits are brought, the question is whether or not the government is bound by the contracts they signed to either pay off the suits to make it go away?   Or force the court to drop the cases.

I have included a video as reference on this topic.
I encourage you to research this topic as well.