How Sunlight Affects Our Consciousness

Light from the sun serves as a powerful source of energy for all life on Earth, including humans. This energy is converted into various forms that play a crucial role in regulating our biological functions, including our sleep-wake cycle.

Sunlight exposure helps regulate our circadian rhythm, the internal clock that controls when we feel sleepy or awake. The amount of light we are exposed to during the day affects the production of hormones like melatonin, which helps us sleep better at night.

Sunlight is a natural mood enhancer. Exposure to sunlight triggers the release of serotonin in the brain, a neurotransmitter that helps boost mood and promote a sense of well-being. This is why many people experience feelings of happiness and positivity on sunny days.

Sunlight also plays a key role in the production of vitamin D in our bodies. Vitamin D is important for maintaining healthy bones, regulating the immune system, and supporting overall brain function. A lack of sunlight exposure has been linked to vitamin D deficiency and various health issues.

The color temperature of sunlight can also influence our state of mind. Bright, blue-rich light in the morning can help increase alertness and improve cognitive function, while warmer, golden light in the evening can promote relaxation and prepare our bodies for sleep.

Sunlight exposure has been shown to have a positive impact on our cognitive function and mental health. Studies have found that spending time outdoors in natural light can enhance cognitive performance, improve focus, and reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression.

The pineal gland, a small, pea-shaped gland in the brain, is sensitive to light and plays a role in regulating our sleep patterns and circadian rhythm. Sunlight exposure helps synchronize the pineal gland with the natural light-dark cycle, promoting better sleep and overall well-being.

Sunlight is essential for the production of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that is known to regulate mood, appetite, and sleep. Low levels of serotonin have been linked to depression, anxiety, and other mood disorders. Exposure to sunlight can help increase serotonin levels and improve mood.

Sunlight exposure is also linked to the production of endorphins, the body’s natural painkillers and mood elevators. Endorphins are released in response to sunlight, exercise, and other pleasurable activities, helping to reduce pain, stress, and improve overall sense of well-being.

The intensity and wavelength of sunlight can influence our biological clock and regulate the secretion of hormones like cortisol, which plays a role in stress response, metabolism, and immune function. Proper exposure to natural light can help balance our hormone levels and support overall health.

Sunlight exposure triggers the release of nitric oxide in the skin, which has been shown to lower blood pressure, improve cardiovascular health, and boost cognitive function. Spending time in the sun can have a positive impact on our vascular system and brain function.

Sunlight exposure can help improve our quality of sleep by regulating the production of hormones like melatonin, which is responsible for promoting restful sleep. Exposure to natural light during the day can help synchronize our internal clock and improve our sleep-wake cycle.

Sunlight is a natural source of energy that can help increase our vitality and alertness. Exposure to natural light during the day can help combat feelings of fatigue, lethargy, and improve our mental clarity and focus.

Sunlight exposure has been associated with improved memory and cognitive function. Studies have shown that spending time in natural light can enhance learning, memory retention, and overall cognitive performance.

Sunlight exposure has been shown to have a positive impact on our emotional well-being. The warmth and brightness of natural light can uplift our spirits, reduce feelings of sadness or anxiety, and promote a sense of calm and relaxation.

Sunlight exposure stimulates the production of serotonin in the brain, a neurotransmitter that is known to improve mood, regulate appetite, and promote feelings of happiness and well-being. Spending time outside in the sun can help boost serotonin levels and enhance our emotional health.

Sunlight exposure is essential for the synthesis of vitamin D in our bodies, a crucial nutrient that plays a role in bone health, immune function, and overall well-being. Adequate sunlight exposure is necessary to maintain optimal vitamin D levels and support our health.

Sunlight exposure helps regulate our biological clock and circadian rhythm, influencing our sleep patterns, hormone production, and overall well-being. Proper exposure to natural light during the day can help synchronize our internal clock and promote restful sleep at night.

Sunlight exposure has a natural calming effect on the mind and body. The warmth and brightness of natural light can help reduce stress, anxiety, and promote relaxation, creating a sense of peace and tranquility.

Conclusion : Sunlight plays a multifaceted role in influencing our consciousness, mood, cognitive function, and overall well-being. By understanding and harnessing the power of sunlight, we can optimize our health, vitality, and mental clarity.

Thus through use of chemtrails and other methods to block out the Sun  it is possible to directly affect our consciousness.   This is one reason the government is putting chemtrails in the atmosphere.   As well as space based arrays to block out sunlight.

What Is Money?

Since we were children, we have been led to believe that money is the vehicle for receiving goods and / or services for financial compensation. However, this concept is false.

In fact, in the past, the money we used we were led to believe had intrinsic value. IE Gold, silver, even precious stones were used in the past as having value in and of themselves.

However, in truth, even when these mediums were employed, they only had the value agreed upon by all parties that were involved. As such, I put forth the following statement. Money is nothing more than an idea. A symbol to represent power, energy, and control.

It has never been more evident than its current iterations paper, common metal BTC, and now nothing more than numbers on a screen that represents virtual credits called digital currency.

What money actually is is a symbol for power. The power to secure goods and services with nothing more than the act of conveying this symbol from one individual to another.

We have been led to believe that money makes money. With this concept, we were taught that you could make money in the form of interest through depositing it with a banking institution.

However, banks do not strictly exist. In the form in which we were taught, it doesn’t exist. What banks actually are is a trust company. This means they take the money you give them and invest it in insurance companies and other financial entities, making 6-15 percent interest.

They then benefit from use of your funds while paying you perhaps a fraction of a percent in return. And, at times, paying you nothing at all in return. In this way, they leverage the power you have given them making a profit while paying you basically nothing in return.

As such, you have simply given your power to a corporate entity. And thereby diminish yourself in the process unknowingly surrendering you energy to others for nothing in return.

As stated, money is a symbol of energy, power, and control. The more money you possess, the more power you can wield. As we see with billionaires such as George Soros, Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, and Elon Musk.

Each leveraging this form of power to their own ends. Whether it is to depopulate the planet, eliminate national sovereignty worldwide. Or buck the system and attempt to implement a platform to provide free speech to the masses.

Whatever their end goals are, we see that the more power in the form of the symbol of money they control, the more influence they wield over the world at large.

They endeavored to keep us clueless about the true nature of currency in all forms because if they could maintain the secrecy of its true nature, they could use it to keep the masses enslaved. Living in a false reality, thereby never being able to harness the true power the symbol represents.

We are cut off from the energy it represents, and as such, we are controlled by our very ignorance of that lack of understanding. Like so many other lies, they have told us to maintain their dominance of the power structure of this planet.

Conclusion: If we ever wish to truly gain an accurate picture of the reality we live in, we must take all the things we were taught and discard it as a whole. Then, we must learn the actual truth about the world in which we live through personal education.

Analysis and common sense with the understanding that rarely is anything what it appears to be. As such, if we embark on this journey with the goal of the truth and nothing more, we can step outside this false matrix we have been raised in if we are diligent and determined.

We will finally gain true insight and will have taken the first steps on the path of ultimate wisdom. By understanding exactly how much we really don’t know about the world we live in.


I have been analyzing a lot of variables of late, and one thing I am beginning to see that is blaringly obvious. That is that everything we have been taught is a lie.

A clever falsehood that was created to keep us from asking questions. To simply accept what we have been taught without question.

As such, we would remain in a crafted reality that was created to make us believe that the world is exactly what we have been told. And, as such, we look no further for answers simply because that is all we think there is.

However, what I have come to understand is that nothing is as it seems. The education system was created not to actually educate. But, rather to indoctrinate us into the reality that the elites have carefully crafted.

As such, we must take everything we have been taught and toss it out the window. All of it is because if it was indeed a crafted narrative meant to keep us mentally enslaved. Then it is all suspect. All a falsehood. And therefore meaningless.

As such, we are left to reevaluate every aspect of our understanding. This brings us to the topic of this post-war. We have been taught that war is the final option when all other options for problem resolution have been exhausted between peoples or nations.

The ultimate problem resolution was to resort to the barbarism of violence to force agreement and compliance. However, if we assume that this idea is a lie, then what are we left with?

The answer is not a pretty one. However, to ascertain the actual purpose, we must begin with the ultimate goal of the Globalist elite, and it is a two-fold strategy.

First: the consolidation of power, elimination of sovereign countries in favor of a all powerful totalitarian one world government.

This has been their main objective for centuries. And, as we have seen that of late they have been very candid and forthright about this end goal.

They neither conceal nor mince words when it comes to this initiative or goal. As such, war is a useful tool to eliminate opposition to their March toward eliminating all local power.

And consolidation of that power in the hands of a single ruling body or an individual who will effectively control all resources. And therefore the destiny of the world population going forward.

The second part of this strategy is the elimination of the majority of the drag on said resources. This means removing the majority of the population in order to extend those resources into the future.

To do this, they have employed several strategies to implement this depopulation agenda. They utilized birth control and elimination.

As well as sterilization of a large number of the population through adding chemicals to the food, water, and air in the form of chemtrails releasing heavy metals and gases into the atmosphere.

As well as using genetic engineering as MRNA strands of RNA to resequence our genetic material and add disease into our very genetic structure. As well as to add this to our medicines and vaccines.

To be carried forward to future generations. Thereby limiting the lifespans of our offspring. Thereby effectively controlling population growth.

As well as utilizing specific chemicals that can affect our hormones, such as testosterone and estrogen, in such a way as to cause people to be chemically castrated by way of changing gender.

Causing women to act as men and vice-versa because if they desire sexual contact with their own, they won’t procreate.

I suspect this is the reason Transgenderism and Homosexuality are on the rise. It’s being chemically induced. Zero population growth falls in line with their agenda.

They have also utilized starvation, dehydration, and weather modification as tools to eliminate specific sectors of the population.

Consider them as check valves to consistently and periodically eliminate a large number of humans. Especially in lower technology countries such as the Middle East and African nations.

As well as maintaining specific possibly curable diseases such as cancer and cardiopulmonary diseases. These remain to simply eliminate annually a set number of the world population. As does flu and other annual diseases.

Finally, we come to the title subject of this post-war. And, as we have seen, we have been taught what they wish us to know. Not what actually is reality. As such, war as an institution and actual means of conflict resolution is whole inadequate to accomplish its stated task.

It neither resolves conflict nor solves problems. It simply compounds issues already present. And is a huge drain on resources as well as manpower. So that being stated, what possible other use could such a destructive and barbaric practice be used for?

The answer is going back to the two stated goals of the Globalist elite. Those are the elimination of the national sovereignty of the world’s nations. With a consolidation of resources and power to one all-powerful totalitarian world government.

As well as the depopulation of the majority of the world population. Thereby maximizing the amount of world resources on those who are left.

The actual purpose of war is simply mass depopulation. That is the reason in 2023, such a barbaric institution remains. It is simply another tool the Globalist use for achieving their end goal of depopulation of the planet. It’s as simple as that.

Conclusion: Just as we must understand that war is not contrary to what we have been taught a method of conflict resolution. We must understand that nothing we have been taught is real or factual. As such, we must begin from scratch when building our worldview.

Nothing the establishment has taught us has anything to do with the way things really are and it is up to us to have the common sense to understand that we have been duped when it comes to education and everything we have thought we understand as reality.

And remember, the starting point on the path to wisdom begins is the statement: I don’t know.

We are left to seek out the truth for ourselves. And, as we progress on the path toward enlightenment, we will come to see the things are rarely what we believe them to be at first glance. Understanding and careful analysis will lead us toward the actual truth.

Follow that truth wherever it leads. Not fearing the final destination. This will lead you to the actual reality. And ultimately, true wisdom.


Throughout history, there have been two obvious factions. Though, at times, not always so clear cut but two paths of thought nonetheless.

One was pro-life cult centered on life and its preservation . The other anti-human or basically a death cult. As we look back on civilizations.

Throughout the sum total of human history, these factions have fought for dominance.
With kings and empires rising and falling in this age-old struggle.

With the goal of a single individual controlling the fate of the world. With ultimate power and total control of the planet and its inhabitants. This has been ever would be a dictators dream. And sadly, nothing has changed.

While terminology and nomenclature have changed, the basic desire remains the same. To gain ultimate control of the planet, resources, and people.

Along the way, the agenda is to eliminate 98 % of the current population. With those remaining population will be funneled into control grid called 15 minute Smart Cities. Under 24-hour surveillance. To basically become free-range slaves.

The path that has led here through the 16th,21st centuries was a bloody one as the two factions have fought for supremacy. Through many bloody conflicts, and almost constant war culminating in the 20th and 21st centuries,

With conflicts, the likes of which the world had never witnessed rising from the ideology adopted from these death cults of Marxism. Also known as Communism or Fascism. Its basic ideas had to do with dividing the rich and the poor. And fermenting conflict between them.

Of course, it was used to cause further divides between races, cultures, political affiliations, classes, countries, sexs, and sexual orientation. As well as religion and other forms of thought.

It was created as a method to divide and conquer the population. It was weaponized separation. Control by playing on people’s greatest fears and prejudices. And was the single most devastating weapon of depopulation of the last 150 years.

Another thing that must be understood is that most of the wars of the 20th and 21st century were controlled on both sides by the death cult. Not as you would imagined the Cult of life was not fighting in open conflict. But, was instead trying to prevent the conflicts from occurring at all.

As we witness the current situation, we see the ear marks of the death cult’s fingerprints in most ever bad things that are currently occurring from the war in the Ukraine.

To the war in Israel. To the constant push for abortion of children. To the terrorist groups push toward violence against the Jewish people . And the constant attacks against the US Constitution to errode the rights of the people in the US.

You can see the death cult acting in the Ukraine rather than encouraging a sit down with the Russians to negotiate a ceasefire and an end to bloodshed.

The elements in the US government associated with this death cult are obvious. They are the ones pushing everything up to a regime change in Russa. They have even spoken of Nuclear conflict which is the ultimate expression of this evil worldview.

Though, Marxist ,Communist, Fascist ideology is a product of the late 19th century reaching its pentacle in the 20th century. However, the basic tenets are not new.

The idea of divide and conquer has left a bloody path down through the ages pointing us to the very same agenda of depopulation as well as control. In that nothing has changed.

The life cult has fought to endow mankind with the rights of Free Speech, Freedom of Religion as well as the Freedom to Defend ourselves, Family and property.

The Right to being born. And the sanctity of all human life. It has fought for peace worldwide. And the Right of people to control their own destiny. And to govern themselves.

We see today that the Marxist ideology is attempting to force the world to pick a side. Though either side you choose you lose. Because both sides lead to death.

These factions are represented by the Globalist elite. And they are using the World Economic Forum and the UN to further push their agenda of the death, depopulation and control. And the Biden Administration is assisting by forcing the illegals crossing southern border for use in deconstruction of our society. As well as the elimination of the Constitutionally guaranteed Rights enumerated therein.

Conclusion: From Time of the wars in Greece and Rome and all the way to the present, these two facts are sacrosanct . The first is that life will find a way. And two that in the end death will have no real dominion

You can either choose to hold human life sacred and precious. Or you can choose to to propagate death. Ultimately the choice is yours.

What Is Real?

We, as a population,  go about our existence, focusing on our small bit of what we believe is reality, never questioning what is in front of you.  However, I think what is truly real is vastly more shocking than any movie or TV drama.

Truth is I believe,  reality is a conglomeration of what you believe, plus all that you have assumed it is .  The everything that has held sway in your life be it parents, religion or environment.   Yet, this place is interactive.  This place is a hologram, and each person adds to the larger image.

Yet, much is hidden such as cannibalism that has worked its way into our reality by a demented few putting human meat in Walmart, Mc Donald’s, Taco bell, Subway and other are pushing this as a environmental savior.

Yet it is a out in the open secret, yet everyone is oblivious to this fact.  The Constitution is being shredded by politicians who want ultimate power.  So they make deals with Devils to get ahead in this material construct.

There are things you could never imagine occurring not only in your own piece of reality, but in the larger picture.
Such as not only dimensional aliens, but reptilians shape-shifting into humans for the purpose of control.  Further, these Reptilians and others abduct children, frighten them, then kill them an drink the child’s adrenaline infused blood.

Further, they have advanced technology,  to allow them to go to other star systems.  They have been using the Cern super collider to attempt to open gateways to other places.  The question is where and why?

These things barely touch the surface of what other people’s realities have done to this our own.  I suspect some of these changes to our own reality we never truly know.

Conclusion:  This reality is for the lack of  better terminology  a created thing, like personal dream.  What you imagine is your reality, becomes exactly that, your personal reality.

It appears your view of reality is nothing but a dream.  Reality as a shared experience appears to be a agreed upon experience,  I would say untruth or lie Yet it isn’ t a lie, truth is usually at the the center of these vision.

I encourage everyone to do your own research on this topic.

I Believe,  Therefore It Is

I have been thinking alot about Paranormal occurrences, including UFO phenomena.  I addressed it from the perspective of a holographic universe.

I began to consider the possibility that we ofttimes, have expectations of a particular place or situation, before we go there.  We are told this place or road or forest is haunted.

And, upon going there, we find that it is exactly like what you have been told.  I would like you to take a moment and consider the possibility that if we indeed exist in a holographic universe,  then it is possible we are the ones creating our own experiences through our belief that the place is haunted.

It is possible to make a thought form by belief that it is real.  In Tibetan belief, we are able to create Thought forms or Tupas which you give a purpose, a time to exist and a time to end.

These thought forms then accomplish whatever was their purpose, and then cease to exist.  However, we can accidentally create one by believing in a specific idea, and without a purpose specifically given or time period to exist they can continue permanently.

These thought forms gain power from each person believing in them, and there is your haunting, demon or other entity.   Am I suggesting every Paranormal or UFO event is created by those who believe in it?  The answer is “no.” 

Do I believe it likely that at least some of these haunts,demons and UFO encounters are thought forms created by those going to look for them, believing they will experience the Paranormal,  “yes.”

Conclusion:  There is a great amount of knowledge, that we just don’t have on this subject.  Same goes with the makeup of this reality.  As such we must at least consider the possibility that we are creating our experience by our beliefs and expectations.

We must keep an open mind in searching for the truth about our reality, and our purpose within it.

I have included a video as reference on this subject.
I encourage you to research this subject as well.

The Mandela Effect And The  Holographic Universe

There have been countless hypothesis regarding the mysterious occurrence known as the Mandela Effect.  Further, I found a corresponding occurrence I have dubbed the Paradigm Shift.  

I will cover the Paradigm Shift in a separate post.  For now, I would like to discuss The idea of the Holographic Universe, and the Mandela Effect.

One of the weirdest text I have seen is from the C.I.A. in a report called Project Gateway, in which the cover the nature of reality as energy.  The state in this text that our reality is a Hologram made up of the above mentioned energy.

As such, they suggest  several ways to focus your energy, including Transcendental Meditation as well as biofeedback.   They state that by focusing your energy like a laser, you can create the reality as you see fit.

Furthermore, they imply that reincarnation is a reality, as well as alternate dimensions are also a reality.   They state when you die, your energy reunites with the infinite energy, and exists and therefore is also infinite.

However, for our purposes,  let’s just examine how focusing of your energy can change the Hologram.   Assuming this statement is true, then it is possible the Mandela Effect, is simply just people learning to change their reality through focusing their energy on a specific change.

A lot of scientists, entrepreneurs and others have stated they believe reality is a simulation or hologram,  however to have one of our nation’s intelligence agencies to say it adds  a definite air of legitimacy to this theory.

Conclusion:  Note the report on project Gateway has as been declassified, and is downloadable in PDF  form. 

As far as a summary of this subject, I can only say I have seen reality change when focus of energy was applied to reality.  So in as much as I have seen this phenomenon occur, I have to say that in that respect , I believe this aspect of the report is accurate.

As far as the rest is concerned, I leave that up to to the reader’s judgment to decide for yourself.

I encourage you to research this subject as well.

The Anatomy Of Evil

This is a age old question,” What is Evil?”  With possible answers ranging from,”The devil made me do it.”  To, ” He was just evil.”  To, ” he was misunderstood, so he was a product of his environment.”

However,  let’s for a moment,  analyze  the idea of beings, noncorporial that we call demons.  What are they?  You may ask, and rightly so just what are these beings?  Further,  why do the harbor such hatred towards humans?

That question is difficult to answer,  what they are is between a protagonist,  and a leech that affixing itself the a human, and feeds on the humans life-force, and somehow also benefits from causing the host as much illwill and pain as possible.   Mental , Emotional and Physical.

Why?  If their existence has always been noncorporial, is it just the energy given off by the human? Or is it something else? They have plagued humanity from the beginning of humans, at least this is what we are led to believe.

Just like the Extraterrestrials, Dimensional beings, the entities have been in this plain of existence with us moving through time.  They were in the Bible, “Possessing,”  this human or that, until they are forced to leave.”  Almost like controlling a character in a video game.

All that being sao3mmememid, we are left with the creation story.  A Archangel,  cursed for his actions,  as was Adam and Eve.  Yet, where did the rest come from?  It is said, that Lucifer,  and a third of the angels, those who followed him getting thrown from Heaven.

It also has been said that Lucifer, is the god of this world. As such, we can assume that everything that exists could and does get used against it’s original purpose.  So it is a good possibility, the demons are the angels that followed Lucifer and shared his anger, that God made humans to rule over the angels.

Conclusion:  So, with all this being said we are left with the original question,  What is Evil?  There is a mottled half answer that is to say, that we can assume that outside forces have had their role to play, but evil is the same as it always was, i.e.  anything that goes against the original purpose, is Evil.

In the end, evil is a choice.   From the  beginning to right now, today.  We can choose not to be evil, or we can give in to the temptation, which can lead to our own destruction .

Or you can be corrupted by an outside factor
      whether it is Demon,Extraterrestrial or Dimensional.

In most of my posts, I give a video or article as reference.  However,  in this case, the body of reference material is both enormous and varied.   As such, if you wish to pursue this topic, you could start with YouTube with the search being, ” What is Evil?”

I only covered my view of this topic, if your interested to continue the research of this topic, use this text as a starting point.



A Question of Feeling And Experience

Today’s science is looking for the material way to deal with material problems in a material universe.   The problem is that their begining premise was faulty.  As such they ended up in a wrong place, with mistaken ideas about the reality around them.

The truth is that, we effect the world of matter with not only in a physical way.  We effect it with our thoughts, our emotions and beliefs.   It has been shone that our emotions, thoughts and beliefs have a tangible effect on the world around us.

There is a movie called “What the bleep do we know anyway?”  

In the movie, a Japanese scientist showed that people’s emotions had a direct effect on ice and water.  What was said is that if you think it, feel it and believe it, then it becomes manifested in the world of matter.

The problem that scientists missed is the empty space between things isn’t empty.  As such all things are interconnected.   This has been known by other people in the Himalayas, India, the Indigenous peoples of South America, Australia and elsewhere.

As such, it is possible to change reality, by changing your view, feeling and beliefs about it.  We live in sea of energy, as energy beings we have the ability to change the energy around us. 

In a Paranormal sense if we feel it, believe it, and think a thing is a certain way, we can manifest our emotions, thoughts and beliefs into being.

Conclusion: Reality is exactly what we believe, thing and feel that it is.  We create our reality good and bad.  It is all a matter of experience.

I have included a video on this subject for reference.
I encourage you to research this subject as well.

Alternate Perception, Alternate Experience

I have for years believed that Alternate Realities exist, and that we experience them more than we know.  Our emotions,thoughts and understanding can and does dictate our reality.

As such, we use our senses to not only experience reality, but I believe we can make our own reality.   I think it is possible to pass between realities based on our expectations, if that expectation is deeply enough ingrained in our psyche.

I think we can give energy to an experience,  making the outcome what we expected it to be.  So if you believe a place is haunted, it is possible to cause it to be so.
In other words you create though forms, and give them the energy, and in code them to act in a specific way.  Now, even if the place wasn’t haunted, you have knowingly or unknowingly created what you expected to find there.

Now, this is the exact thing that happens when adolescents and teens experience a lot of hostility or release alot of strong emotions or thoughts in a given place.  This is how poltergeist are created.

Conclusion: We in a real sense do create our life experiences.  However, does this mean that we are the sole creators of our reality? No, it doesn’t, however it is one part of a complex system that makes up our experience of this reality in which we exist in.
I have included article on the subject.
I encourage you to research this subject as well.