What happens if Joe Biden Declares A “Climate Emergency”?

It was reported recently that Joe Biden was close to declaring a ” Climate Emergency”.  What would this mean for the US and its citizens?

If he does this, he will gain 100 war time powers similar to the covid crisis or 911.  He will gain the ability to bypass Congress and implement the New Deal provisions unfettered.

Including climate lockdowns, closing businesses, parks, and churches and forced public changes similar to martial law.

He can implement wide-ranging changings like banning events, gatherings, and usage of things like internal combustion vehicles.  Gas stoves as well as all coal energy production facilities.

He could commendeer land that people are living on as (Public Domain) and force people to move off their lands.  Close private farms and even build ( Smart Cities called 15 minute cities which would basically restrict the usage of vehicles to 15 minutes a day and restrict movement the rest of the time in the name of Climate Change).

Such cities would be monitored 24/7 through video surveillance monitored by Ai. 

He could restrict food usage and availability forcing a curtailment or massive reduction in meat production.  Or implementation of forced usage of lab grown meat.  As well as the usage of GMO vegetables and fruits.

Theorically he could demand control of your heating/cooling of your homes through smart thermostats and other smart devices giving the government the power to limit the usage and the power to shut them off when they deem its required.

It’s possible they may, through smart power meters and other systems, limit your power usage as well limiting your power usage daily, shutting it off when they deem it is required.

They could limit your access to specific businesses, services, and products, including firearms, emergency food, or medical supplies. 

The movement restrictions, as in the days of the pandemic, could be reimplimented as well as possible change to digital currency in the interest of gaining control over your access to goods and services.

Further, in the interest of maintaining compliance to Climate Change directives, a social credit score could be implemented.   And through which further restrict your movement by making non-compliance with Climate Change mandates carry a punishment of not being able to purchase gasoline, or ride public transit, or restrict air travel.

It could also restrict your access to the internet.  Declaring the need for a digital ID to track all your usage and activities online limited your freedom of speech and further controlling your daily activities.

Conclusion:  The declaration of a climate emergency is tantamount to declaring martial law and, in so doing, would suspend the Constitution and, for all intents and purposes, remove freedom from the population.   You would become slaves to the state.

This, in my opinion, is simply one more step toward achievement of the globalist agenda of depopulation, eliminating the current society. 

As well as destruction of the economy and sovereignty of the US.  And, it has become obvious that the Democratic as well as much of the Republican parties no longer represent the people who elected them.

Therefore, their purpose is simply to create and implement the agenda of the world Globalist here in the US.

As such, declaring a climate emergency by the Biden Administration is simply a means to that end.  And one more step to accomplishment of the Globalist stated goals.

Main Stream Media Has Gone From Slanted Ideological Narratives To Active Promotion Of Far Left Ideological Activism

NPR has recently been the latest example of blaringly promoting far Left and, in many cases, blatantly anti-American reporting pushing narratives that are counter to the US and its policies.

This goes beyond the slanted Left leaning standard of the Western journalism has promoted for decades.  Not just putting forth counter conservative perspectives.

This new far Left Activism abandons any semblance of pretending to offer a fair and balanced view of the current events. 

And simply outright opposes any perspective that is pro-American in perspective, support of American policies . Or defense of US laws, the US Constitution, or even recently politicians that attempt to represent the citizens of the US or the policies that would protect the citizens’ rights.

Donald Trump is a perfect example of their far left Activism in their neat constant attacks meant destroy the man simply because he had the audacity to go against their goals to destroy this country and anything even remotely Pro-American or conservative in nature.

Balanced journalism and unbiased reporting of the news is dead and a thing of the past.  That is if it really ever existed at all to begin with.

What is left are simply propaganda dispensing outlets that push a far Left narrative, which is tailored to show pro-American, pro-Constitutional, or pro-conservative perspectives as negative, misguided, racist and basically demonize anything Uniquely American.

Conclusion:  The Main Stream Media had been bought and paid for by the Globalists and has become one more arrow in their quiver to destroy the Western society,economy, and sovereignty.

Communism, Socialism and Far Left ideology is their preferred weapon against the ideas of conservatism and capitalism. 

As such, they use radical perspectives through almost Cult like Activism to attempt to destroy Western societies and ultimately economies and sovereignty in preparation for depopulation and globalist conquest of the planet.

Actual unbiased reporting of the news is dead.  There are no more news reporting agencies remaining.  What we have now is simply mouthpieces of globalist far leftwing propaganda.   This all they convey.

The Difference Between Communism and Capitalism

The interesting thing is Communism represents the idea of everybody sharing everything at its most pristine and pure form it’s no personal property.

Idea is everything is owned by everybody.  However, due to human nature, this ideology is impossible.   As such, an elite group is generally uses this ideology to steal everything for the few at the top.

And, then punish everyone else, causing two classes, the extremely rich and powerful at the top.  And the extremely poor and powerless at the bottom. 

The elite uses the ideal as a motivation for the poor to take everything from other wealthy .  It becomes a vicious circle of violence and rebellion.

Strangely enough Capitalism, though it touts the idea anyone can be wealthy and part of the elite and rich.  What actually occurs is it devolves into 3 classes that, through taxation and outright theft, creates to classes the wealthy elite and powerful.  And the poor and powerless. 

The wealthy use the poor as soldiers to steal the wealth from other wealthy individuals, thus causing this to devolve into a vicious circle as well.

And though capitalism was supposed to be the pinnacle of the individual success and get rich story.  The truth is that it’s as much an impossibility as the Communist ideal.

Thus, at their core, both ideologies, though they have Nobel aspirations.   Neither ideology can in the current world with flawed humans succeed.  Both are failures.  And both are doomed to the scrap heap of useless ideas.

Conclusion: The true fate of humanity must be beyond either ideology.   It must begin as a universal field of thought in which all people can thrive together without greed, desire for power over others, or the desire to put people down in order for you yourself to succeed.

Only then can we truly come together and ultimately live as one people in harmony with each other and the environment in universal brotherhood.

Propaganda and the Power of the State Sponsored Narrative

Propaganda is a mix of disinformation and psychological warfare.  If you control the flow of information, you control the national narrative.

During the formation of Lenin’s Russia and Hitler’s Germany, the flow of information was tightly controlled and monitored.   As such, they could spoon feed the state narrative to the public and thereby maintain control over the masses.

This was also used in World War 2, Korea, and to a lessor degree in Vietnam and the Gulf War.  Using disinformation and data manipulation to control the national discussion on the war.  Even after it was proven, the original purpose for the war was false.

Flash forward to the Obama years, and once again, propaganda was legalized by Obama against the citizens of the US.  And, so rose the state sponsored narrative being regurgitated adnauseam.

From that time forward, all supposed (news) agencies begin to simply spout the same state sponsored official state narrative.   With repeated videos showing all news networks saying the exact same thing.

Conclusion: The free reporting of actual news and pertinent information is dead.   All that remains is a sanitized state sponsored narrative devoid of any semblance of the truth or actual facts.  The state owns the news agencies at this point .  Freedom of the press for all intents and purposes is dead.

The Way Forward: The World After The 2024 US Presidential Election

Politics to day is a mindfield of broken promises and outright falsehoods.  With both parties having fallen to the power of powerful lobbies and the money backing them. 

For all intents and purposes, having become a uni-party controlled by the same Globalist elites who have been reeking destruction and mayhem worldwide while pursuing their depopulation and global one world government agenda.

As such, they don’t even pretend to represent the people any longer.  And , as bills come up in the congress and senate, don’t even pretend to actually read or consider these 400 page omnibus spending bills and just vote the way they are told to vote.  Their handlers tell them up or down, and they do it, no questions asked.

The government is not only of the US, but most of the Western countries have been compromised.   They are being controlled and manipulated by foreign powers and interests.   This is obvious to any who actually understand the process and what’s truly going on.

Though you would think this is as bad as it could get though you would be mistaken because this is but the birth pangs of the calamity to come.  Because, if the Globalists get their way humanity as a species days are numbered. 

And what we are witnessing is them laying the groundwork for an all-out assault on first the Western nations.  But ultimately, the whole world will come to know the pain of their ultimate agenda.

These countless 100s and 1000s of ( misplaced) immigrants are a smoke screen for something much more insidious.  

They have signed multiple treaties to disarm not only the US.  But the entire Western world in preparation for the elimination of all national sovereignties.

These 1000s of illegals pouring across the borders are not illegal misplaced immigrants.   They are undercover stealth cells of the UN.  As well, Brix members have agreed to aline to destroy the West.

All the military age men entering the country are the advanced forces to put into place in preparation of a larger force that will eventually invade.  Perhaps once the stealth cells eliminate soft targets and begin to disarm the public.

Hence, they are putting these invaders in police capacities as well as inducing them into the military.   They have no loyalty to the citizens and will do what they are told.   They are a perfect invading force that will be obedient to the hand paying and feeding them. 

The democrats have been very open in their support of the invaders, giving them aid and comfort as they perform their seditious acts against the laws and people of this country.

And granting them every perk of citizenship.  And more than that with 5000 dollar visa gift cards, cellphones , food , rent for up to 2 years free.  As well as granting them drivers license, entrance to police academies, and the right to serve in the armed forces.  As well as attempting to give them the right to vote in direct opposition to the laws of the US.

What can be done to stim the tide?  Radical action is required to stop them from further carrying their invasion and destruction of the US?

First: A general strike now.  To force a moratorium on unrestricted immigration at the Southern Border.   Further , demand forced oversight of the funding as well as handling of those illegals already in our country.

Second: Demand a removal of illegals presently in the US in direct violation of US immigration law.

Thirdly, demand that those whose jobs are not only to defend the US borders but also those whose jobs it is to enforce the laws regarding immigration.  

As well as protection of the US, it’s sovereignty and way of life be held accountable for gross incompetence if not outright treason giving aid and comfort as well as support to an invading force whose intentions are to eliminate national sovereignty and the destruction of the US as a free and sovereign nation.

To do nothing would be suicide as a nation.  At the moment, the elections in November are in question.   The attics of the Democratic Party still seared in our national consciousness after the theft of the 2020 election. 

And, they are attempting to make voting by these foreign agents legal because they know its their only chance to cheat this time around.  However, at least some courts are fighting back against this blatant corruption.  Will it be enough and in time to stop their treachery?

With the population standing up against it, the outcome is unknown.  And , all it takes for evil to win is for good people to do nothing.  Either we learn from the mistakes of the recent past, or we are damned to repeat it.  Either take a stand now.  Or suffer on your knees later as a slave to a world totalitarian dictatorship later.

The choice is yours.

Invasion  By Design: The Secret UN Invasion

The current border crisis at the US southern border, as well as most other Western countries, is being portrayed as a humanitarian disaster.

However, any honest analysis makes it abundantly clear that this is not the case.  First, if it had been simply an organic mass migration due to socioeconomic calamity, then the majority of those coming would have been South American.

However, that theory doesn’t hold given the obvious nationality and race of those who have suddenly appeared at the US southern border.  Further, such spontaneous mass immigration would have included women , children as well as the elderly.

However, the majority of those who have turned up at the Southern Border are military age men.  Further, they appear to be of every nationality.  So such a spontaneous argument just doesn’t hold water. 

This same occurrence is being replayed across the planet.  In every Western nation.  Not in the East or Middle East.  As such, we must speculate given these facts that these events are being orchestrated by design to specifically collapse the west in a blatant effort to destroy the economy in those targeted countries.

As well as to eliminate national sovereignty.  And national identity in preparation for the creation of a one world government which the Globalist elite have been pursuing for decades if not a century or more.

As we observe the events unfolding.  It’s clear that this is a coordinated event.  With a similar mix of ethnicities and nationalities of those participating in this mass forced illegal immigration.   As such, we see it is being done by design.

Coordinated and planned out in advance to accomplish specific pre-planned goals.  Eliminate national sovereignty, identity, change voting demographics, collapse national economies, and I’ll add another goal to pacify and eliminate resistance of the native populations of the targeted countries.

If we ask ourselves who would coordinate and what reason they would orchestrate such events, the perpetrators become obvious.  As well as their motivations for such wishing to carry out such acts become clear.

First, the Globalist elite have been saying plainly that their main goal is depopulation.   They have been pursuing this agenda thru world organizations such as the World Economic Forum as well as the UN. 

They have further made UN treaties to disarm the world in mass.  However, the citizenry of the Western countries would never just submit to being disarmed. their countries national identities were eliminated.  And there people summarily killed.

So the only way to carry out their stated goals would be to invade those countries and do those things by force.  However, rather than just try to militarily attack each country triggering a mass revolt, they would try to do it by stealth in order to preserve much of the infrastructure, minimizing rebuilding costs after the take over.

As such, they would have to use a worldwide organization that could supply enough manpower to accomplish this task.  Further, who wouldn’t care about the countries being targeted.  Enter the UN. 

This organizations goals and agendas have stated they are indeed aligned with the agenda of the Globalists.  Further, they have stated as much in such UN publications Agenda 21,25,30.

As we witness the ongoing invasion, we see a mix of every nationality crossing the border.  It is being facilitated by the national governments of the targeted countries with those countries provided material support and aid both financially and directly on the form of transportation to the invading horde.

As such, it suggests not only compliancy but also mass pre-planning and coordinated effort.   These acts of blatant Sedition were done by design, and to do that, it means all of it was done in advance.  As such removes any notion of it being an organic occurrence.

The only world organization that could pre-plan such a monumental effort and garner such worldwide acceptance and coordination is the UN. 

While it is within the realm of possibility that some criminal and terrorist organizations could mix in with this UN invading army.

  I believe in my opinion the majority of the invading force are stealth UN operatives carrying out operations to disarm native populations and collapse economies of targeted countries in preparation for the creation of a one world government.

This is in line with the stated goals of not only the UN itself.  But also the Globalists who have stated plainly their intent to depopulate the planet, to control all resources and to create a one world government which they call the New World Order.

Conclusion:  As stated above it is obvious given the facts as stated it’s clear that these illegal mass immigration events only targeting Western Countries are neither spontaneous no are they organic caused by local disasters or other calamity.

But rather, they have been pre-planned, orchestrated by design to accomplish very specific military/socioeconomic goals to eliminate regional powers and populations to clear the way for the globalists’ plan of a one world totalitarian dictatorship.

The UN is the chosen vehicle to coordinate, plan, and carry out this agenda.  As we watch the events unfolding, we can see in my opinion that this is indeed exactly what is transpiring, and all the leadership of those targeted countries are complicit in this effort.

The American Revolution: A British Civil War, And is a Revolt Coming Again?

The American Revolutionary War was a historic event that directly led to the break away of the British colonies from Great Britain.

It was a direct result of the monarchs unreasonable taxation of British citizens in the New World and the subsequent tyranny directly caused by the heavy handedness of that governments attempts to force its edicts on an unresponsive citizenry.

As such, it was not actually the American Revolution, but a British rebellion against an oppressive king and government. As such, the events that are currently taking place more closely resemble those events than the Civil War of the 1860s.

Because while the Civil War was a rebellion of sorts against federal abuse and states’ rights. What is happening now is a government not trying to force states to comply with the law.

Rather, it is a government attempting to not only force oppressive and unfair taxation without any actual representation or regress against such oppressive and unreasonable taxation.

It also represents an oppressive regime attempting to circumvent actual law in favor of a globalist agenda, which does not serve the wellbeing of either the states as an institution. But it also represents a clear tyrannical and unreasonable attempt to force the citizenry to comply with the same.

During the British conflict, Great Britain was empire building. This was led by the Banks and Wealthist family lines such as the Rothchilds and others pitting countries against each other, financing both sides of each conflict.

Becoming rich at the expense of the suffering of those who had to fight those bloody conflicts. Then, they would finance the rebuilding after each conflict.

These globalist bankers held the actual power in all the world’s governments. Which they have continued to do up to the present era. They have been following their agenda, which they have been pursuing for centuries.

Their ultimate goal has always been to possess all the world’s wealth and natural resources. Further, the second goal will have to be the creation of a one world totalitarian dictatorship that they will control.

After which they will have to eliminate the majority of the world population (98%) in order to maintain their control over global resources and enslaving those that remain to act as slaves maintaining the infrastructure required to control the global government and their hold on global resources.

All of these are stated goals of the Globalists. None of this is conjecture or conspiracy theory. They have stated this with their own mouths in the UN., the World Economic Forum, and their other entities. None of this is in dispute.

What we must understand is these same agendas were in play during the actions which led up to the British revolt of the colonies and the subsequent break away of those British colonies and directly led to the war of 1776, and formation of the United States of America.

So, in a real sense, the globalist agenda led to the British revolution, which formed the United States. Flash forward a century and the same Globalist families and their financial organizations were the catalyst that led to the 1860s conflict between the break away states and the US federal government.

In that conflict, they again financed through proxies both sides of said conflict. In the aftermath, they again made a killing in loaning money, which was used in the rebuilding effort after the cessation of hostilities.

Flash forward to the present. Once again they are attempting to circumvent the laws of the country in a blatant attempt to force their clearly illegal agenda down the throats of the citizenry much in the same fashion as they did by utilizing the King and British government to levy unreasonable taxes and then use force to enforce their tyrannical mandates.

Thus, we stand at another juncture in history where yet again the Globalists are forcing their proxies in the US government much in the same fashion the did the British King and government to circumvent the law of the land to push forth their agenda at the expense of the country as well as its citizens.

Their intent is clear. They intend to collapse the US as a whole and import so many illegal aliens as to completely destroy national sovereignty in preparation for their creation of their much anticipated one world government.

This is nothing but a continuation of the agenda centuries in the making. It is completely obvious to anyone who is paying attention.

As such, what we are witnessing is the exact same tactics the Globalist attempted to apply, which led to the British revolt of the 13 original British colonies and the formation of the United States of America.

Their agenda directly led to that eventuality. The only question is, was it a miscalculation, or did they do that on purpose?

Was the breakaway and formation of a new country done on purpose in an attempt to begin a drawing together of power in preparation of the next steps to eliminate old sovereignties in preparation for building the foundation upon which they would build their one world government?

Conclusion: You see, the current dilemma we find ourselves in is reminiscent of the elimination of British sovereignty here in North America to make way for the next step toward their dream of world government.

Only now they are attempting to eliminate US Sovereignty in North America in preparation to move their agenda forward yet again in their constant drum beat toward their one world dictatorship.

As such, if the citizens revolt, it will be a direct reflection of what occurred in 1776 . The only question is if such a revolt were to occur, we must ask ourselves, is it another miscalculation?

Or are they simply resorting to the exact same tactic they used in 1776 to eliminate British sovereignty in North America. However, this time to eliminate US sovereignty in order to once again move their agenda forward at the expense of the citizens of the US?

The Road Ahead

I have been making post after post about the fact that the world we live in is a falsehood created by an elite that are quite literally pulling the wool over your eyes to obscure their goal which they have been actually extremely transparent about.

They intend to eliminate the majority of the human population of the planet for purely selfish purposes. So they can survive at the expense of 98 % of the population being eliminated.

By disease, chemical, biological, war, starvation, and nuclear conflict, created calamities, whether technological or natural disasters, are caused by them. They have used psychological warfare to alienate, divide, and poison the minds of the young and old.

All the while quietly manipulating the entire world using ideologies, religions, political movements, and the financial markets to move forward their anti-human agenda. With allegiance to none except a select few Globalist elites with no national, religious, or ideological affiliations except their own selfish purpose of survival and world dominance.

Those unlucky enough to survive their culling of the majority of the world population will be locked in a perpetual state of free-range slavery. Destined to serve those same elites. Most likely confinded to prison like smart cities under constant surveillance and scrutiny.

Freedom, which has for a very long time dangled in front of them they will eventually learn was also an illusion. There was never actual freedom or self-determination. It was simply ideas to pacify the masses.

What the actual truth was that the people were always manipulated. Whether by religion, ideology, philosophy, or peer pressure of a given group or political affiliation. As well as societal convention. There were always control measures in place to manage the social structures.

The families that have been at the top of these hierarchies have remained the same for centuries. Meeting in secret and maintaining the same agendas for depopulation and world control and enslavement.

Whether Communist or Capitalism or Socialism, Religion, or lack thereof one guiding force has shaped the destiny of world history and events.

It all leads back to the same family lines. As we examine the historical view of the world as a whole. These individuals’ actions begin to make much more sense in the context of the ultimate endgame agenda.

They have financed and supported both sides of every conflict since before the time of Napolian. I believe it goes back far longer than that even. With the royals as pawns of these all-powerful elite family bloodlines molding and shaping world events for perhaps thousands of years.

One thing is abundantly clear. They have made their agenda transparent and have spelled out their plan to depopulate the planet control it and all its resources. And enslave whoever remains in perpetuity as their servents. Surfs to a New World Order one world totalitarian Global technocrat dictatorship. This is their endgame.

Humanity as a whole does not matter. You don’t matter to these individuals. As such, you must understand that everything you were taught was in service of their purpose. You were born into a lie. A matrix of control whose sole purpose is to facilitate their agenda and goals.

You were not educated about how reality actually exists. All ideological, religious, philosophical, moral, and sociological ethical constructs are by definition suspect. As parts of this control matrix.

And therefore must be re-examined with an analytical eye and a common sense approach understanding that these things are methods of control and therefore must be seen as parts of the mind prison matrix which they constructed to maintain the illusion that you were in control of your own destiny.

Conclusion: If we are to break free of their control matrix, we must take what we have been taught and throw it away. Starting from scratch with the goal to uncover the actual truth of our reality, existence, and actual purpose rather than what we were told by the Globalist system we were born into.

With this post, I simply offer you a path forward. A doorway if you will. Nothing more, it’s up to you to walk that path. To step through that doorway and follow the truth wherever that truth leads you.

The first step to true wisdom is to acknowledge your lack of understanding and say when asked of the nature of things to say ( I don’t know).

That is the starting point. To lay aside your inhibitions, fears, and prejudices and be willing to see the truth as it is.

Not as others have told you it is. Then, and only then will you gain true wisdom. Seeing the truth that was hidden from you since your birth.

This world you were told you were born into was a lie. Have the courage and intestinal fortitude to seek and follow the truth wherever it leads you. Only then will you be truly free.

Climate Change And The Ultimate Journey Toward World Enslavement

Much has been said years about the dangers of climate change and it global implications on the future of our planet. While it is true, our planet is going through climate changes. What is also true is that it has always experienced such changes before humankind could have had major effects on it.

While supporters of this ideology state the science is in. And that their beliefs have been validated. The fact is it is far from settled. In fact, there are many scientists who have pointed out geological evidence that the world has always passed through cycles of climate change.

This is evident in the evidence of multiple ice ages that have occurred in millions of years of planetary development. As such, we must ask ourselves that ( If the Globalist elites are aware of this ecological factor, then why would they push the idea of man-made climate change)? The answer is control.

Through the ideological movement of climate change, they can force human behavior to change in specific ways. Force an end to certain technology. And gain control of the building blocks of life such as land, food, water, and energy.

In order to control a huge population, you must first contain them. Hense buying all all the land. And forcing the majority into contained areas, i.e., Smart Cities). Within these smart cities, the population can be effectively contained, kept under constant surveillance , summarily desposed of in accordance with their worldwide depopulation agenda.

Henry Kissinger stated : (Control the food, control the people. Control energy controls the nation. Control money control the world.) These things are exactly what climate change ideology provides. Absolute control of the corner stones of humanity.

They will use climate change to redistribute wealth from the muddle-class to the wealthy. And force compliance with they goals of absolute control through fear, indoctrination of the next generation, regulation through legal means. As well as international treaties.

The ultimate goal of the Globalist Elites is a one world government. The UN agenda 21, 25, and 30 are the literal founding documents and guide for laying the groundwork for making this future a reality.

People like Bill Gates, George Soros and Klaus Schwab have been sowing the seeds of this idea as the main problem and cause of all the world’s problems as a spring board to allow them to offer their ( Solutions) ie Smart Cities, GMO foods, Lab Grown Meat, New Vaccines. Digital currency, heavy energy regulation. As well as more surveillance.

They have banned organic farming, raw milk, personal gardens, collection and use of rain water, and organic beef. As well as increased taxation on these things. They have devised a carbon tax for carbon emissions. As well as come up with the idea of 15-minute cities, the idea of which to limit the use of personal vehicles to 15 minutes a day. With fines for going over this time restriction.

As well as limiting air travel to as little as one a year. With some suggesting it should only be 3 times in your lifetime. With the only exception being an emergency. Also, they use climate change to institute more control in the form of a social score to enforce compliance with their behavior mandates.

Bill Gates even reportedly made the asinine suggestion that trees and other planet (caused) extra carbon emissions and should be eliminated. When obviously the opposite is true and trees eliminate carbon dioxide and product oxygen.

Further actions being taken in the name of climate change include Chemtrails being created using heavy metals in the upper atmosphere to block portions of the sun. As well as the launching of satellites, which have the capacity to deploy screens to block the sunlight from space.

Conclusion: The road ahead. It is obvious based on the case I have laid out above that the Climate Change ideology is simply a vehicle of change and control. Change from a democratic, free society to a controlled totalitarian enslavement of the world population.

Each initiative put forth in the name of preventing climate change is merely one step closer to absolute enslavement of the world population. And a fulfillment of their ultimate depopulation agenda. Just as a frog is put in cold water, having the temperature rise slowly until the frog is boiled but never sees it coming.

So too the world population is enslaved and culled slowly so as not to raise suspicion until it will be to late to stop their agenda. The climate change agenda is just such a hidden vehicle for accomplishment of their depopulation agenda.

That is the ultimate end goal of climate change. Depopulation and enslavement of the remaining population. That is their end goal.

The Coming Storm

Most ration people feel something is coming. Even if they don’t know what that something is, they still know things are not the way they were. They can see that the government has become more and more controlling. And far less accommodating to people’s Constitutional rights.

The Marxist left has become much more authoritarian. Making bolder and bolder pronouncements about how they want to eliminate people’s rights. But, in the case of the Hamas attacks, hie they support the absolute genocide of the Jewish people.

A marked departure from they inclusive narrative that they have been pushing for decades. With people like Rashida Talib calling for the elimination of Israel openly. As well as supporting openly a Leftist Pro-Hamas incursion of the Capital building. With zero consequences. As well as Illan Omar supporting the same.

The rest of the Democratic (Squad) after the 2020 election called for a Nazi style internment of those who supported MAGA. And literal torture was called for by Cortez. With people like Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer actively working against our national interest.

Further, many allegations have been brought against Joe Biden, his son Hunter, and the rest of the Biden family of corruption and literally sell out our country to foreign players for financial gain.

With the result causing us to be stuck supporting a pointless war in the Ukraine. Supporting violence, rather than sitting down to negotiate a ceasefire and withdrawal of Russian forces from Ukrainian territory. Why? The reason is clear, money. Money to be made on Arms sales to the Ukraine. As well as the rebuilding after the conflict.

Further, alleged money laundering through the Ukraine and kicked back to political campaign upcoming. Sound far-fetched and the stuff of conspiracy theories? Well, based on everything we have heard about the Bidens’ supposed dealings with Zalenski, Biresma, and other foreign oligarchs, it seems far more likely in 2023 than in the past years.

However, what is the endgame? What are their true agendas and goals? They have been very transparent as to where they want policies to lead. They spelled out much of their future plans in the UN documents Agenda 21,25, and 30.

The need for global depopulation of 98% of the world’s total population. Smart 15-minute cities for the remainder of humanity. 24/7 surveillance and absolute control of all land, resources by the Global elite. The dissolution of all state sovereignties in preparation for a worldwide totalitarian dictatorship. And the elimination of all current cities.

Toward the goal of depopulation, they intend to use bioweapons, poison vaccines that rewrite your DNA, and eliminate your immune system. Strict birthing practices. The encouragement of gay, Trans, and abortion to curtail population growth.

These ideas have been put forth, supported, and propagated by the likes of billionaire Globalist Klaus Schwab, Henry Kissinger , George Soros, Bill Gates the Rockefellers, the Rothchilds and other Globalist families.

They are actively supporting genocide in the Ukraine, the Middle East, and supporting it in China by way of the Marxist ideology. They are utilizing the Arab world to push the genocide and dissolution of the Jewish people with the very same ideology, terror, and tactics utilized by the Nazis in World War 2.

This is an anti-human ideology with evil at its very core utilizing every possible thing at its disposal to achieve their endgoals. They have used Eugenics to eliminate useless eaters. Which was the framework that Adolf Hitler adopted in World War 2 in an attempt to eradicate all ( Undesirables), including the Jewish people, Homosexuals, the physically and mentally handicapped as well as religious peoples.

Conclusion: They are simply recycling all these evils of the past. They have gone out of their way to hide the destruction these ideologies have caused and their ultimate anti-human agenda.

They have used a combination of separate a number of different ideas and concepts from the past. That weren’t necessarily combined so they could appear separate things. When in reality they were working in concert to accomplish their endgame .

The elimination of the majority of mankind. And the control and enslavement of those lucky enough or unlucky enough to remain after the holocaust and conflagration that they had wrought.

The sad reality is that the enemy is not just without but within as well. Lincoln said : The United States wouldn’t be destroyed from outside. But, if it happened, it would be by our own hand. And, that is what we are witnessing in real-time.

The deconstruction and dissolution of our countries’ infrastructure, society, moral standards, and a watering down of our rights enumerated in our founding documents. And ultimately the demoralization of our people and the destruction of the nuclear family.