A Brief History of Communism In The 20th Century

Communism is an economic-political philosophy founded by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels in the 19th century. They wrote and published “The Communist Manifesto” in 1848, aiming to end capitalism, which they believed led to the exploitation of workers.

Marx and Engels envisioned a society where the means of production would belong to the entire community, abolishing all private ownership. Their slogan was that everyone would contribute according to their abilities and receive according to their needs.

Communist philosophy began to develop in Russia in the late 19th century, leading to the Bolsheviks seizing power through the October Revolution in 1917. They changed their name to the Communist Party and nationalized public property.

Joseph Stalin continued to lead the USSR with communist ideologies, extending the growth of communism in Russia and beyond. This example of communism influenced many countries, including China.

Communism as a political ideology advocates for state ownership of major resources in a society, aiming to eliminate the class system through equal redistribution of income and benefits of labor.

Karl Marx, known as the Father of Communism, proposed this ideology in his Communist Manifesto, emphasizing the importance of class struggle and critiquing capitalism’s instability.

The Communist Manifesto did not provide concrete instructions for setting up a communist government but influenced revolutionary industrial workers across Europe, leading to the rise of an international labor movement.

The early 19th century saw civil unrest in Europe as urban working-class individuals faced poor living conditions and saw stark inequalities between classes, fueling the appeal of communist ideas.

Marx envisioned communism as a global movement that would inspire and expedite working-class revolutions throughout the capitalist world, starting with the French revolutions of 1848.

The Russian Revolution of 1917 marked a significant turning point in the spread of communism, with the Bolsheviks establishing a communist government and nationalizing public properties.

The rise of the Soviet Union under Vladimir Lenin and later Joseph Stalin exemplified the application of communist ideologies on a large scale, shaping the economic and political landscape of the 20th century.

The Cold War between communist ideologies represented by the USSR and capitalist ideologies represented by the United States was a defining struggle of the 20th century, highlighting the tensions between the two systems.

Communism in China followed a similar trajectory, with the Communist Party gaining power and implementing communist policies to transform the economic structure of the country.

The principles of communism, including collective ownership of resources and equitable distribution of wealth, continue to shape political discourse and movements around the world.

The transition from capitalism to communism involves a process of class conflict and revolutionary struggle, with the goal of establishing a classless society where everyone’s needs are met.

The implementation of communism has varied in different countries, with some experiencing success in establishing socialist governments while others faced challenges in transitioning to a communist society.

The influence of communism extends beyond economic and social realms to cultural and philosophical domains, inspiring movements for social justice and equality.

Criticisms of communism often center on issues of individual freedom, state control, and economic inefficiencies, leading to debates about the feasibility and desirability of communist systems.

Despite its challenges and criticisms, communism remains a significant force in global politics and history, shaping the trajectory of nations and influencing ideological debates.

The history of communism reflects a complex interplay of ideas, movements, and historical events that have left a lasting impact on societies around the world, shaping the course of modern history.

Conclusion: This overview provides a glimpse into the rich and intricate history of communism, highlighting its evolution, challenges, and enduring relevance in the modern world.

Communism like Capitalism were two approaches to a social issue which gripped the world.  The 17th, 18th, 19th, 20th centuries were plagued by massive poverty, starvation, and pestilence.   This was due to overcrowding, poor living conditions and a scarcity of clean water, little food and unclean living conditions.

There were two distinct classes the wealthy and the poor.  It was under these conditions that Socialism/Communism were born. 

This was post feudal system, yet the wealthy saw them selves as aristocracy/noble born and the poor as nothing but slaves/the unwashed masses to be exploited for their enrichment.

They espoused Capitalism (Free Market Economy).  Though it appeared free and to believe in individual liberty and personal property.  The truth is that as long as you are wealthy, the system functions. 

However, those who were in the lower class were little more than slaves.  In the idea world Capitalism would have represented freedom.  However, we live far from the ideal world.

Therefore, it was simply a change of definitions and titles.  However, it was still the feudal system where the wealthy instead of having titles such as (Duke, Lord, Prince , or King was simply called Millionaires or later Billionaires).

Nothing in function had changed at all.  In the middle 20th century, the middle class emerged, raising the working classes standard of living somewhat. 

However, for the most part, nothing really has changed since the earlier eras.  As such, capitalism could not fulfill its envisioned goals of universal financial freedom and the ownership of private property for all. 

The wealthy maintained their domination of the majority of the wealth in society.

As such, it was out of this turmoil filled time that the idea of Socialism/Communism took root, especially among the lower working class. 

As they struggled to eck out a meager existence working (slaving) in factories, in farms and on jobs owned by the wealthy.

Communism was the idea of communal property.  Everything is owned not by a limited number of wealthy individuals.  Rather, all property would be owned by all the people.

The Communist idea was this would be achieved through a people’s revolution.  Where the workers would rise up and throw off the yolk of slavery to the wealthy and take back the means of creating their own destiny.

By doing this, give back all property to all the people instead of it being owned by a few at the top of society.  With everybody receiving their fair share according to their need.

Again, in an ideal world, communal ownership and governance seem to be a good path to take.  However, again, we don’t live in a. Ideal world. 

How it played out in reality is the Communism became a weapon to be spread among the poor of a given country sewing the seeds of hope among the disenfranchised and lower class as a way for enemies to overthrow governments through violent revolution and uprisings.

Communism was also a failure, just like capitalism because both relied on this being an ideal world.  And as we all are aware, we are far from living in an ideal world.

As such, due to greed, corruption, and psychopathic delusions of grandeur, the power hungry and opportunist used both ideologies to attempt world conquest leading to a very bloody and violent history spanning centuries.

Communism like Capitalism, was a failed ideology that led to nothing but misery and the death of millions of innocent people worldwide.  

The American Revolution: A British Civil War, And is a Revolt Coming Again?

The American Revolutionary War was a historic event that directly led to the break away of the British colonies from Great Britain.

It was a direct result of the monarchs unreasonable taxation of British citizens in the New World and the subsequent tyranny directly caused by the heavy handedness of that governments attempts to force its edicts on an unresponsive citizenry.

As such, it was not actually the American Revolution, but a British rebellion against an oppressive king and government. As such, the events that are currently taking place more closely resemble those events than the Civil War of the 1860s.

Because while the Civil War was a rebellion of sorts against federal abuse and states’ rights. What is happening now is a government not trying to force states to comply with the law.

Rather, it is a government attempting to not only force oppressive and unfair taxation without any actual representation or regress against such oppressive and unreasonable taxation.

It also represents an oppressive regime attempting to circumvent actual law in favor of a globalist agenda, which does not serve the wellbeing of either the states as an institution. But it also represents a clear tyrannical and unreasonable attempt to force the citizenry to comply with the same.

During the British conflict, Great Britain was empire building. This was led by the Banks and Wealthist family lines such as the Rothchilds and others pitting countries against each other, financing both sides of each conflict.

Becoming rich at the expense of the suffering of those who had to fight those bloody conflicts. Then, they would finance the rebuilding after each conflict.

These globalist bankers held the actual power in all the world’s governments. Which they have continued to do up to the present era. They have been following their agenda, which they have been pursuing for centuries.

Their ultimate goal has always been to possess all the world’s wealth and natural resources. Further, the second goal will have to be the creation of a one world totalitarian dictatorship that they will control.

After which they will have to eliminate the majority of the world population (98%) in order to maintain their control over global resources and enslaving those that remain to act as slaves maintaining the infrastructure required to control the global government and their hold on global resources.

All of these are stated goals of the Globalists. None of this is conjecture or conspiracy theory. They have stated this with their own mouths in the UN., the World Economic Forum, and their other entities. None of this is in dispute.

What we must understand is these same agendas were in play during the actions which led up to the British revolt of the colonies and the subsequent break away of those British colonies and directly led to the war of 1776, and formation of the United States of America.

So, in a real sense, the globalist agenda led to the British revolution, which formed the United States. Flash forward a century and the same Globalist families and their financial organizations were the catalyst that led to the 1860s conflict between the break away states and the US federal government.

In that conflict, they again financed through proxies both sides of said conflict. In the aftermath, they again made a killing in loaning money, which was used in the rebuilding effort after the cessation of hostilities.

Flash forward to the present. Once again they are attempting to circumvent the laws of the country in a blatant attempt to force their clearly illegal agenda down the throats of the citizenry much in the same fashion as they did by utilizing the King and British government to levy unreasonable taxes and then use force to enforce their tyrannical mandates.

Thus, we stand at another juncture in history where yet again the Globalists are forcing their proxies in the US government much in the same fashion the did the British King and government to circumvent the law of the land to push forth their agenda at the expense of the country as well as its citizens.

Their intent is clear. They intend to collapse the US as a whole and import so many illegal aliens as to completely destroy national sovereignty in preparation for their creation of their much anticipated one world government.

This is nothing but a continuation of the agenda centuries in the making. It is completely obvious to anyone who is paying attention.

As such, what we are witnessing is the exact same tactics the Globalist attempted to apply, which led to the British revolt of the 13 original British colonies and the formation of the United States of America.

Their agenda directly led to that eventuality. The only question is, was it a miscalculation, or did they do that on purpose?

Was the breakaway and formation of a new country done on purpose in an attempt to begin a drawing together of power in preparation of the next steps to eliminate old sovereignties in preparation for building the foundation upon which they would build their one world government?

Conclusion: You see, the current dilemma we find ourselves in is reminiscent of the elimination of British sovereignty here in North America to make way for the next step toward their dream of world government.

Only now they are attempting to eliminate US Sovereignty in North America in preparation to move their agenda forward yet again in their constant drum beat toward their one world dictatorship.

As such, if the citizens revolt, it will be a direct reflection of what occurred in 1776 . The only question is if such a revolt were to occur, we must ask ourselves, is it another miscalculation?

Or are they simply resorting to the exact same tactic they used in 1776 to eliminate British sovereignty in North America. However, this time to eliminate US sovereignty in order to once again move their agenda forward at the expense of the citizens of the US?

The Coming Storm

Most ration people feel something is coming. Even if they don’t know what that something is, they still know things are not the way they were. They can see that the government has become more and more controlling. And far less accommodating to people’s Constitutional rights.

The Marxist left has become much more authoritarian. Making bolder and bolder pronouncements about how they want to eliminate people’s rights. But, in the case of the Hamas attacks, hie they support the absolute genocide of the Jewish people.

A marked departure from they inclusive narrative that they have been pushing for decades. With people like Rashida Talib calling for the elimination of Israel openly. As well as supporting openly a Leftist Pro-Hamas incursion of the Capital building. With zero consequences. As well as Illan Omar supporting the same.

The rest of the Democratic (Squad) after the 2020 election called for a Nazi style internment of those who supported MAGA. And literal torture was called for by Cortez. With people like Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer actively working against our national interest.

Further, many allegations have been brought against Joe Biden, his son Hunter, and the rest of the Biden family of corruption and literally sell out our country to foreign players for financial gain.

With the result causing us to be stuck supporting a pointless war in the Ukraine. Supporting violence, rather than sitting down to negotiate a ceasefire and withdrawal of Russian forces from Ukrainian territory. Why? The reason is clear, money. Money to be made on Arms sales to the Ukraine. As well as the rebuilding after the conflict.

Further, alleged money laundering through the Ukraine and kicked back to political campaign upcoming. Sound far-fetched and the stuff of conspiracy theories? Well, based on everything we have heard about the Bidens’ supposed dealings with Zalenski, Biresma, and other foreign oligarchs, it seems far more likely in 2023 than in the past years.

However, what is the endgame? What are their true agendas and goals? They have been very transparent as to where they want policies to lead. They spelled out much of their future plans in the UN documents Agenda 21,25, and 30.

The need for global depopulation of 98% of the world’s total population. Smart 15-minute cities for the remainder of humanity. 24/7 surveillance and absolute control of all land, resources by the Global elite. The dissolution of all state sovereignties in preparation for a worldwide totalitarian dictatorship. And the elimination of all current cities.

Toward the goal of depopulation, they intend to use bioweapons, poison vaccines that rewrite your DNA, and eliminate your immune system. Strict birthing practices. The encouragement of gay, Trans, and abortion to curtail population growth.

These ideas have been put forth, supported, and propagated by the likes of billionaire Globalist Klaus Schwab, Henry Kissinger , George Soros, Bill Gates the Rockefellers, the Rothchilds and other Globalist families.

They are actively supporting genocide in the Ukraine, the Middle East, and supporting it in China by way of the Marxist ideology. They are utilizing the Arab world to push the genocide and dissolution of the Jewish people with the very same ideology, terror, and tactics utilized by the Nazis in World War 2.

This is an anti-human ideology with evil at its very core utilizing every possible thing at its disposal to achieve their endgoals. They have used Eugenics to eliminate useless eaters. Which was the framework that Adolf Hitler adopted in World War 2 in an attempt to eradicate all ( Undesirables), including the Jewish people, Homosexuals, the physically and mentally handicapped as well as religious peoples.

Conclusion: They are simply recycling all these evils of the past. They have gone out of their way to hide the destruction these ideologies have caused and their ultimate anti-human agenda.

They have used a combination of separate a number of different ideas and concepts from the past. That weren’t necessarily combined so they could appear separate things. When in reality they were working in concert to accomplish their endgame .

The elimination of the majority of mankind. And the control and enslavement of those lucky enough or unlucky enough to remain after the holocaust and conflagration that they had wrought.

The sad reality is that the enemy is not just without but within as well. Lincoln said : The United States wouldn’t be destroyed from outside. But, if it happened, it would be by our own hand. And, that is what we are witnessing in real-time.

The deconstruction and dissolution of our countries’ infrastructure, society, moral standards, and a watering down of our rights enumerated in our founding documents. And ultimately the demoralization of our people and the destruction of the nuclear family.

What’s Really Happening

In the scheme of things, sometimes we must understand the big picture, rather than just the small perspective. Such is true in relationships as well as politics. Things are not always what they appear.

In regards to relationships, people may appear faithful in the daylight. But, in the dark of night may be something else entirely. While their spouse may be hard at work or taking care of the family, the other may be betraying them right behind their backs.

So to is the case not only on the political stage but on the world policy stage as well. Politicians rarely do what is in the best interests of the country they represent and its people. And generally act out of self-interest greed.

So let us turn to the unfolding spectacle occurring in the Middle East. On the surface, it appears to pit old rivals once more against each other in a conflict that has spanned centuries. But, is that what is actually occurring?

Or is it simply political theater being staged to illicit specific responses? I mean, do you really believe that the greatest intelligence agencies in the world didn’t see a military build-up coming? A movement of huge amounts of ordinance and armaments?

Do you really believe that with all the technology at their disposal, they had no clue of an impending attack on the scale planned and executed by the terrorist group Hamas? Really?

And, if they either saw it and allowed it to continue. Or were complicit in its planning and execution, why would they want such a conflict to occur in the first place?

The answer lies in reality versus illusion. The illusion is there are seperate countries. Each independent and autonomous of each other . Each acting in their national best interest for the good of country and people.

What the reality is much more insidious. The truth is all nation states are controlled by groups of elite bankers, families and a select group often called Globalist, Deepstate and a cabal of hidden actors that carry out the edicts, mandates and goals of these individuals and groups.

They have not only been transparent about their goals of depopulation of the planet. But , also about their desire to control the total resources of the planet. As well as their desire to enslave the remainder of humanity left after their plans have succeeded.

Now, knowing this, let’s reexamine the current conflict in the Middle East under the microscope of understanding. And, see if we can glean the truth from the staged events.

Let’s now assume that not only were all the intelligence agencies aware of what was being planned. But were complicit in the staging, setup, and execution of the plan they had devices.

Further, all the actions that occurred after were carefully orchestrated to appear organic. However, we were carefully planned and staged as well. Then, the entire situation takes on a completely different meaning when we remove the emotional component.

Understanding that all events that occur on the world stage are planned in advance gives these events simply stage craft drama created to control the emotions of the masses while moving the endgame to completion.

Everything that occurs is not random but planned well in advance by these globalists. And has been in the works for a very long time. The world as it appears is an illusion.

The reality is that everything is being completely controlled. Every event, every story, every political figure on the world stage. All controlled and manipulated by the same corporations and people.

The war in the Middle East is a staged event. As is the response of the US and others. These Globalist always telegraph their intentions to prepare the population for what is to come through media as well as celebrities and organizations. All staged.

The UN is one of those controlling organizations that signals what’s coming in documents such as Agenda 21, 25. And 30. They have laid out their plans for total control of all natural resources and elimination of the majority of the population for a sustainable future.

Through smart cities, complete surveillance of the population 24/7 by Ai. And the curtailing of people’s reliance on meat, dairy, and fossil fuels. Moving humanity toward a dystopian future where, like in the movie the Matrix, we are used as a commodity. Fed on our own bodily fluids and waste. To protect the (environment).

The current events unraveling in the Middle East are a stark reminder that the world that we believe we live in is an illusion. Carefully produced and presented stage craft meant to control your emotional state and a mental state to manipulate the masses to do exactly what the Globalists want. This is the purpose of all world events.

Conclusion: The illusion of choice is just that an illusion. World events have been controlled, planned, and moved forward by the same globalist families and individuals for a very long time. They have made their end goals very apparent. They literally are telling you not only what they are planning but also how it will occur.

The problem is people are so caught up in the illusion that the Matrix that they can’t see the true reality right before them. They are completely blinded by it. And have been reduced to sheep led to the slaughter. On essence reduced to free-range slaves with the very technology they rely on daily as their invisible chains.

Completely controlled by the illusion of choice, freedom. When in reality, they have neither. This is the reality in which mankind currently resides.

A Question Of Fate

As we have witnessed the carnage and barbarism taking place in real-time in Israel, we are forced to ask the question ( Why?)

Why was the terrorist group Hamas allowed to organize such a catastrophic attack without any intelligence organization being aware of it? When Egypt raised a word of alarm that something big was coming and no one heeded their warning.

Why? How could they get such a large number of weapons into position without anyone knowing it in this day of satellite surveillance and constant monitoring by the IDF , and the US, as well as the European Union and Greay Britain?

Further, how did Hamas gain access to weapons sent to the Ukrain? Unless they stole them. Or they were sold to them by the Ukrain or defense contractors.

Regional countries such as Lebanon, Syria, and quite possibly Saudi Arabia may also be complicit in aiding Hamas as well as other terrorist organizations in their continued attacks on Israel.

However, even with this hypothesis, there may be more than meets the eye to the current conflict. And that is it was almost impossible to hide such a massive buildup and staging. As such, the question is : Was it overlooked or part of some larger plan?

With the crisis in the Ukraine, the advent of the Brix treaty and the building of a spy station in Cuba, as well as a Russian missile base being installed in Venezuela. Is it possible this is just one more action to prepare for the advent of a world war?

It was no accident that Biden completely opened the southern border of the US. With zero vetting of anyone entering into the country. Which has been occurring at a rate of 10 thousand illegals a day. And all of those anonymous. Anyone could and has crossed our border.

Chances are very good a large number of sleeper soldiers from China, North Korea, Russia and Iran as well as other terror organizations have entered the country without detection and are now getting in place for the eventual attack on the mainland US.

This is far from a conspiracy theory or mere speculation. I suspect that perhaps elements of our own government have gone rogue and are currently buying themselves with deconstruction of our country.

Infrastructure as well as society using disinformation, demoralization, and misdirection to try to control the national narrative so that they can keep everyone in the dark until it’s too late to stop it from happening.

The truth is that this is not new. There have been in place since before the beginning of the 20th century. To gain complete control of not only the US. But also the entire world. It was the purpose of the first 2 world wars.

As well as multiple calls for depopulation, Planned Parenthood, and the continued push of the Climate Change agenda to shut down civilization. Forcing people to move to Smart 15-minute cities and 24/7 surveillance.

The UN agenda 21,25, and 30 spell out the New World Order’s agenda in detail. It is very specific in its laying out of the great reset plan and the elimination of freedom as we know it.

The continuing push to sustain war in the Ukraine is not by chance and has zero to do with democracy or freedom. And everything to do with selling arms on the front end and the reconstruction of the Ukrainian infrastructure by huge funds such as Blackrock and Vanguard. At the expense of the US taxpayers who are already burdened past their ability to maintain.

Conclusion: Nothing happens by coincidence or random chance. What is happening in the Middle East, Ukraine, and soon to be coming to your street in middle America is by design. Planned way in advance and now being executed in real time and in your face. They aren’t hiding their intentions.

The ultimate goal, you ask? That’s simple: 98 percent of the population will be eliminated through war, biological weapons, and eventually quite possibly nuclear conflagration.

This is why they have been building bases, cities, and railways all underground. They have promised the Facist Communist Democratic party members. Others in government as well as possibly the Whitehouse.

These sellouts are moving lockstep with the Deepstate and the world’s elites. However, just like the intelligentsia of Russia, who assisted in the 1917 Bolshivic revolution. After they succeeded in taking over the country.

Lenin took all those who conspired to help him gain power, lined them up against a wall, and shot them. Because he knew if they would sell out once, when they found out he lied to them, they would him out as well. He called them (Useful Idiots).

That’s what the Fascist Communist Democratic Party and other sellouts are (Useful Idiots.) And just like what Lenin did to his supporters, so too will the Marxist Elites do to these sellouts.

A world war is coming. Make no mistake, we have a very small window to avert the coming holocaust. If we don’t stop them, their plan will come to fruition. The world will die. And they will win. This is the secret they are telling in plain sight. They are not obfuscation. They have spelled out exactly what they plan on doing.

They are hiding nothing. As such, these attacks in Israel were not missed by the worlds intelligence organization and governments. But they are still following the original plan, which started so long ago. Nothing has changed except they are telling you to your face they intend to steal all that is yours. Then kill you with chemtrails, fire, biological weapons, war, and eventually nuclear war.

This is the future they have in store for the people of the US as well as the people of the world.

The Democrats Are Afraid,   He Will  Run Again?Why?

It is just another sign of either pure stupidity.  Or mental instability that there are stories being put out about their fear of Joe Biden running again.  If they are so fearful, why did they vote him in in the first place? 

It’s obvious, they bought their parties lies, and now are suffer from the fact that they had been fooled, they know it, as does the rest of the world.  Now, they are being forced to own their stupidity.  Whether, they like it or not, Joseph Biden was a seriously foolish error.

The consequences,  are being seen worldwide.  If he runs again, either he will end with a complete landslide for the Republicans.   Or the Democrats will be forced to cheat again.  Yet, if they do it,  would come at the death of the Democratic party.  Or the end of the United States as States succeed from the Union. 

After, the incredible lie that  the Democratic party forced on the US people.  And, further “Presidency,” of their liar Joe Biden.  It has become clear , that Biden has not only sided with Communist China.  As well as the NWO, and the rest of the US worldwide enemies.
All of the America’s Strengths were systematically either signed away.  Or, negotiated away by the Elites puppet.  With the US being betrayed at every turn, it is abundantly clear that not only the Republicans were lied to.  But,  all voters were lied to.  The United States of America is on the brink of collapse.

Another Biden or  Democratic  election equals the end of the US as it  has been.  The 2nd War between the States is what will be left.  Though, it looks like a Civil War is what it will appear as.  It is more accurate to say it is a civil war caused by Revolution caused by enemies of the US worldwide.

Conclusion: Biden or other Democratic candidate,  will trigger these above events as the Voters realize that it has gone on to long.  And, that no legal vote is possible to correct the problems as they stand.  

Correction by violence and war will become the only alternative left to the Patriotic Americans.   As well as those, who finally are willing to own the facts that their party has lied to them for a very long time.

I have included a link to a article on this subject.
I encourage you to research this subject as well.

Glenn Greenwald explains media shift against Biden: ‘Democrats are petrified’ he’s going to run again


The Truth About The Real U.N. Agenda 2021,2025,2030

I have been watching U.N. as their Agendas unfold, and I predicted these things would come to pass.  The whole LGBTQ push, abortions making it seem like a right, when in truth just pushing their depopulation plan.

They began to the tiny home boom in order to get people to live less.  This is a Communist idea, that has failed in ever country that adopted the ideology.   The next thing that happened was huge wild fires.  These fires didn’t just happen in the US.  It also took place in France and Italy.

In the US, the fires had mysterious beginnings, with people reporting beams coming from the sky.  It appeared to target specific areas, with precise begins and endings.  Further, after the fires mostly in wine country and the surrounding areas in California.  

The government came in, knocked down the foundations,  so the people could not get a rebuilding loans.  Further, they were told they had to pay a fee of 10 thousand to clear away the debris.  They, also did rezoning, so even if they could somehow get the money, their were not allowed to rebuild.
We have had a new flu each year, we are told it is a mutation of the pervious year.  Then, suddenly the flu doesn’t occur, but sudden we are told there is a pandemic caused by Covid-19.  Which we are told some “escaped, ” the Wuhan laboratory.

Just as suddenly they had several vaccines, the among other things, didn’t stop the spread of disease.  Yet , the vaccine didn’t work, and it appeared to do more, do more damage than helping.  Yet, more people died of the flu than Covid-19, however they called Covid-19 a pandemic.

Makes you wonder,  if this was staged to see if they could force people to stay in their homes, while destroying the economy at the same time.  And, they found out they could force a minimal martial law, with no guns, and vary limited manpower.

Remember, Bill Gates said that if they were lucky, they could eliminate 30% of the population using vaccines.  The goal is 800 million people in perpetually.  Hence, abortions,increasing the gay population.   Killing off as many as possible with wars, disease, decreasing fertility by putting chemicals in everything you eat,drink, drugs and even clothing.

Then, those who are left from their depopulation agenda, they intend to move into smart cities,  where you are under supervision 24/7.  The only procreation will be to maintain their slave labor force.  Now they are introducing  robot girlfriends, and later will be the only option for heterosexual men. 

Not to far after that robot wives, who will have the ability to get pregnant through test tube fertility  assistance .  These robots will be Ai, that not only will they be connected to each other,  but  can be attached to whatever government agencies are handling the monitoring.

Conclusion:  This NWO can’t do anything, without telling you what they are planning.  All that I have written about they have laid out as their future plans.  The only question is are we going to allow it to take place?

I have included a link about robot girlfriends.
I encourage you to research this topic as well.

The Next Big Bioweapon Coming To A Body Near You

It is almost ludicrous, that the CDC has issued a warning for Monkeypox.  Right after Bill Gates buys into the monkeypox inoculations.  They were already talking about this bioweapon right after we had several years of their last bioweapon Covid-19.

They are reporting on this bioweapon,  Monkeypox as there is a low chance of spreading in that it requires direct contact to infect.  And, yet they are talking about it and there has been rumors going around that more lockdowns in the future of most of the western countries.

They have been very direct, in their goal to lower the population to 800 million. The government has used  different strains of the flu,  have dosed people in the past with syphilis,  nuclear radiation, different types of airborne chemical substances including agent orange.  They also gave the indigenous people smallpox infected blankets.

Now, they just come out in the open and admit their goal is to lower the population, then they release Covid-19.   Now, they are telling you what bioweapon they have released in the form of monkeypox.  Granted it is not as infectious as covid-19.   It will probably have a high mortality rate among the seniors as well those who have their immune system already compromised.

I just find it a bit arrogant to tell you directly that they are going to kill a large portion of the population.   Next thing you know, they rolled out cov-19.  The next thing they mention when the death toll was not what they were hoping for so they bought out their normal flu infections.

They are also adding monkeypox, as next population reduction infection.  They list it as having a low infection rate. Yet, it will have an effect on seniors and those who have weak immune systems , all that matters is the death toll.

Conclusion: Just like when they tried to release ebola in the west, including multiple vectors.   However, whistle blowers uncover that these hosts were known to be infected.

As such they were forced to shelved this project. They were also forced to admit they had cure for ebola.  So you see, they are actively pursuing the death of billions.  The only way to stop this from happening is to get tangible proof, not just talk.

I included  photos as  examples of the post above.
I encourage you to research this subject also.


Give Us Your  Tired, Your Poor, Your Huddled  Masses

A Question,  has the government of the US made good on the above commitment?  Granted they have given billions around the world,  and yet they have allowed those in need stave here in their own country.

Granted, the American Christians and other organizations have given  food, clothing and other resources toward the homeless.   Yet with all their bravado of being the shining light on the hill, they are either unable or unwilling to help those who are homeless in the US.

In places such as Los Angeles,  San Francisco  and in most major cities across the country, the rise  of abject poverty is obvious,  and climbing at an alarming rate.
There is a huge disconnect between the politicians promises and what is supplied directly  from the Federal Government in funds either directly supplied to those impoverished .

However, when it is politically expedient,  such as shipping homeless, and penniless that cross the border illegally each day in the southern US, to them they  receive  every conceivable consideration that the Democrat Party can supply as they hope to receive boone  of new Democrat voters. 

All the while leaving impoverished Americans to there own ends.  Which usually means staving, living on the streets.  Alcohol and drugs are where those in these situations turn to to kill the pain.  But, fear not the Biden Administration has heard your desperate call for help.  Then, they distributed Crack pipes to the poor and huddled masses.  This being the actual response from the Federal government .

In the passed their answer was bus tickets to somewhere else instead of trying to deal with the root cause of the homelessness to begin with and help them geta home.
Yet, for some reason the government states and federal seem to do everything, but help the get a home.

Conclusion:  The bottom line is this, Our governments both federal and democratically controlled do not care about the rank and file citizens that became

Impoverished, and have either no idea how to get out of their situation.  Or have lost hope because they have seen for themselves that their  government just does not care  about them or their situation.
Writers Note:  I have a very personal connection with this post, I have been homeless for 2 years now.  I have witnessed first hand what government will and won’t do and as such I have been stuck, due to credit scores,
lack of permanent address can effect getting what help that is available.   Further, Housing is the giving based on a list system which has a 2 year wait and isn’t taking any more applicants .

Because I am disabled and on a fixed income I stay in hotels when I can, in my car when I can’t.  The story continues…

I would encourage you to research the above topic as well.

Sovereignty Or Slavery

The WHO is set to do something the U.N. and the Elites have never been able to do in centuries of warfare.  They are set to recieve the Sovereignty and control of a 190 nations including the US,Canada  and Mexico.

All that is left is a vote on the treaty to grant them this Sovereignty, is the declaration of a new pandemic.   At that point they simply  release the next pandemic and then declare Martial Law.  After that, the muster their troops (many from the same nations they are literally invading.)

There is a problem with their plan.   In the US their is 17 million ex-military Vets, while defend their freedom with firearms.  Another 63 million regular citizens the are multiple firearm owners.  Which means they have 80 million Americans who will resist such a attempt to lock down.  America  will fight the invasion of the blue helmets.

Further, other Americans such as police and the military may  well join the resistance,  as such,  the Patriots represent the largest standing army  that has ever been cobbled together to face their invading forces.  I personally believe that the blue helmets will be destroyed.  However, if they use bombers and nuclear weapons, there will  be significant casualties on the Patriots.

Yet, if they were to use that approach,  the airfields become targets.  Either way in the end the U.N. force will be heavily outnumbered.   The WHO will fail the world takeover.

Conclusion:  The President and Congress do not have the authority to sign away our Sovereignty/Constitutional rights  and freedoms .

I encourage all to research the above subject.